Less angsty than a teenager's and less dull than listening to your greatgrandma talk about the price of corn during the Great War (I hope). How much DID corn cost during the Great War?
My name's Bob, I'm 22, living in Lier, Belgium. Uhm... I do a lot of volunteer work, I read a lot, I love old movies and I like a nice cold pint every now and then. I'd like one now actually.
I have a wide range of interest, or at least I think I do. I can get fascinated with something very easily, but usually I become bored with it rather quickly as well. Some things that have managed to keep my attention:
- English history, mainly the Tudor dynasty. Especially the story of Anne Boleyn fascinates me, for some reason. Who knows what Freud would have to say about that.
- Mythology. Not very original no :) Mostly Greek and Scandinavian.
- Tennis, purely for watching, but I might actually pick up a racket once I can afford the costs. I of course root for our Belgian girls, Kim & Justine. Next to them, Elena Dementieva is my favourite player.
- A little piece of French history, the Scandal of the Tours de Nesle. Don't even ask me why.
- The McCarthy period.
- Several webcomics such as Friendly Hostility and Ghasltly's Ghastly comic
Die gast heeft gewoon zijwaartse hangtieten... O.O
P.S.: silly inlogvertraging...
Spruit, at 5:19 AM
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