Tor Be Funny or to Be Gross

When does something stop being funny?
This comic is one of many rather crude ones from Ghastly, and I think it's sort of funny. He's done better, which were usually a lot more crude.
But when people are telling crude jokes, I often don't find them funny at all. I feel guilty about laughing at racist jokes, I think fart and shit jokes are just stupid and absurd comedy goes far beyond me.
And I actually feel guilty listening to a joke or rude comment about someone I like, so that'll not get a laugh of me either.
Yeah, this is indeed a filler post due to boredness, and an excuse to pot the comic, which can be found at the delightfully politically and morally uncorrect Be sure to read from the beginning :)
PS: I invite you to share your crude jokes with us here :)
Endless Audacity, at 5:37 AM
zelfs als konijn is hij niet schattig :s
Filliberke Randall, at 8:24 AM
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