Kev (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
in stimulation?
Endless Audacity zegt:
oh sweety I'm in the mood for just about anything
Endless Audacity zegt:
well, except goats and other assorted farmanimals
Short news:
1) Apparantly my name is an anachronysm for a sexual act. Unfortunately, I'm not too happy with the specific act.
2) You have to watch at least part of this video. It's very long yes, but it has some great parts. I'm not sure whether I should laugh or masturbate.
7) Thanks to Janti, I am now obsessed with Kingdom Hearts, and shall attempt to break into his appartment to play it as much as possible.
8) Also, Janti looks damn cute in this picture from sunday, whereas I look like a broad-shouldered, though totally hot, woman in this one, Karo looks deranged and like she might bite here and Kevin smiles in this picture, which I'm sure is a sign of the pending Apocalypse.
9) My obessive passion for Stephen Lynch was rekindled on sunday and I converted Janti. Soon we shall be numerous enough to abduct him to our evil (yet sexy) lair... *evil laugh*
10) I got a birthday gift from Karolien (my birthday was in october, but still, thanks!). She got me a book about the first season of Desperate Housewives, which is actually quite kicking.
The next update will be all about sex, Bob-style. Be warned!
Yey, sex! (hoezo, oppervlakkig?)
Anonymous, at 11:48 AM
The time is now...
-blessed b9, Catalyst4Christ, at 1:26 PM
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