And now we return to our scheduled programming
I am though, I fell asleep on the couch earlier and woke up with the biggest, hardest cock ever
Bob *You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?* zegt:
well, biggest,hardest might be overstating it, but I'm sure it cracked the top ten
Kev (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
Kev (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
this deserves
Kev (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
a cake!
Bob *You've got 206 bones in your body, want one more?* zegt:
I was wondering what the appropriate response to a statement like that would be
Now that the England saga is over and done with, I shall bring you up to speed on more current events.
1. I have finally quit my job.
That's not completely correct, I haven't actually quit yet, but I have informed my boss and co-workers that I will be leaving at the end of june, before the summer vacation starts. It seemed fair to me to give them some warning, as it would be a big problem for them if I just left at the start of summer (we only have a one week notice policy) without anyone to replace me. Unfortunately I have the feeling that my boss is somewhat resentful about me leaving, though I have very good reasons to do so. On top of that, certain co-workers with whom my relationship was 'strained' now see no reason to hide their dislike any longer. On the bright side, neither do I, which is rather fun actually.
The big drawback is of course that I have no new job lined up, and that I have absolutely no idea what I want to do. Which leads to something of a panic, which typically in my case, leads to total paralysis and inaction. I am currently considering two options: either just start looking for work here and hope for the best, or going back to England on my last paycheck and try to find a summer job in the tourism industry there. The last option appeals to me most of course, but it also sort of scares me. First of all, I'd be alone in a foreign country and I'd have to look for a job there, something I even hate doing in my own damn country. Second, if I go there on my last paycheck, I'd have about a week, week and a half tops before my money runs out and I'd have to come back if I don't find something, so then I'd be back, broke and without a job. So I'm not quite sure yet, though it's about time to decide.
Anyone with practical advice on how to arrange working in England is always welcome :)
2. I had an awesome weekend.
It was Kevin's 26th birthday on saturday and a bunch of us headed out to Red&Blue (again, yes, but this time it was quite the hoot). The bunch being Kevin, Kenneth, Janti, Tim, Johan, Frank and Julien and uh, I hope that's it and if not, sorry to whomever I left out. Anyhow, I have no idea what the theme was, but there were drag queen nurses and you could get a professional massage in the lounge, which several of us took advantage of, though I only did when I was already drunk and according to Janti and Tim I sort of humped the massage table. Luckily I don't remember any of that, as I think I fell asleep during the whole thing. My back did feel a lot better afterwards though.
As everyone dropped off home one by one, Janti and me were left as the last ones standing, and we made some new acquaintances, met up with some old ones we hadn't seen in forever and drank entirely too much. Eventually I also gave out and left Janti to party without me. A very odd thing did occur on the way to bed, but that's another one I'll keep to myself for now.
On sunday we had our traditional brunch and for the first time in history, Kevin and Kenneth were there before I was, a shocking event indeed, especially as both of them were fresh as daisies. After lazying about some, we dispersed and I went with Jan to his appartment to play some Playstation, though it quickly turned out I was too lazy to do so and we watched movies instead. We saw the very bizarre and very awesome Shortbus, and the Advent Children, a sequel to the events in Final Fantasy VII, which was also pretty cool. After that Janti made delicious pasta and we ended the evening as pleasant as could be. It's pretty sweet having Jan back in Antwerp, I'd nearly forgotten how much fun we used to have hanging out and now it's as if nothing's ever changed, though of course, everything is different.
3. I'm late with this, but can you believe Paris Hilton is actually going to go to prison.
I'm elated, it only took a dozen serious traffic violations and being caught with illegal drugs redhanded twice. If she hadn't been Paris Hilton she'd have gone to the slammer a lot sooner, so no pity for her.
4. Jessica Simpson has been abducted and replaced by an Indian look-a-like and no one has noticed.
This is not a tan anymore, it's simply a crime against the skin. Also, if she didn't have the enormous boobs on display, she'd look a little like Fabio. That's one butch Simpson.
Shortbus net ook gezien, en da's inderdaan 'n fantastisch filmpje!
Anonymous, at 10:32 AM
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