My spambots don't even try to be convincing
heck, if I'm unemployed by then, we could get into all kinds of shenanigans
Kev (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
I love that word
Bobster *Brief aan Jezelf* zegt:
it is a great word, I use it as often as I can
Only one more day and I'm off to England!
I am so excited, I barely know what I will do with myself until saturday morning. Except, you know, pack, do last minute shopping, go to the gym, find out I forgot to pack something, race back home, repack, race back to Antwerp, take a bath, shave, and Guineveve knows what else.
But figuratively speaking, I barely know what I will do with myself.
I really need this vacation, for a variety of reasons, and I've been looking forward to it so much, I think I've barely noticed anything that's been going on around me. I actually had a bit of 'vacation' this week as well, unexpectedly, as I fell ill last friday and stayed home from work. I did return on tuesday, dragging my ass over there in the morning, but I wasn't feeling quite well yet, and I was coughing and sneezing. My pregnant co-worker wouldn't let me near her, I couldn't cut fruit for the kids, and everyone was sort of worried I'd infect a preschooler, so my boss sent me home, which I get. But I have a cold, and it's not just going to evaporate, and I didn't feel like going to work every day, sitting on the bus for two hours, to then be send home after being there 30 minutes, so I got a doctor's note for the entire week, and it's done me good.
Truth is, I'm seriously considering looking for other employment. I still like my job a lot, and I don't really want to quit, but I'm feeling so exhausted from being on the bus constantly, getting up at 4.30 at times, getting home at 21.30 without having eaten anything yet, sleeping at other people's appartments 2 times a week, barely having 'a place to call my own'. It's all getting a bit too much.
I've told myself I'll have a talk with my boss when I get back from England, and make a decision then, but based on how great I feel (despite snot and coughing) after a week of not getting on that damn bus, it would seem I owe it to my health to find something else.
Anyhow, I'm sure I'll have something more interesting to blog about when I actually get back from London, so 'till then, my pretties.
Well, as said: probeer ontslagen te worden, als ze je graag hebben willen ze dat misschien wel doen...
En anders, probeer eerst 'n andere job te vinden, lijkt me toch het handigste om wat zekerheid te hebben.
'k Kan in ieder geval best begrijpen dat je die bus kotsbeu bent, your drive time commute stuff is véél te hoog.
Enne, hf in England - bring back cute guys & shocking stories, please :)
Anonymous, at 2:47 PM
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