There's no one left to finger

Been a while. Start rant:
Some fricking spyware thingie has infected my PC (thanks a lot mum, for the umpteenth time). Next to getting horrid pop-ups every two seconds, having my homepage changed and crashing my PC at least once an hour, it also blocks a lor of websites. I've run every scan thingie I could get my hands on, but none of them could get rid of it.
What is it? SecurityBulletin.Trojan and getting rid of it is a little too complicated for me to try on my own, so I'll probably have to take my PC in. It's actually a miracle blogger still works, because all the 'fun' sites I visit (imdb, vrtnieuws, playasport, most webcomics, etc) are blocked completely. I'm just hoping it doesn't get to gmail for a while.
Anyways, many of you are probably familiar with YouTube, but for those who aren't, it's a website where you can post movieclips and stuff. Upon visiting it, you can see very quickly that gays have completely taken it over.
Some of the things you can find there: parts of television shows (like this one, proving that our Big Brother is rather civil in comparison), guys showing off and acting 'social statements, home made porn, not so home made porn, ...
Amidst all this you can also find short movies which are rather good. There was this one about a new boy in town who becomes friends with a girl and she's all in love with him, but he turns out to be gay and she's heartbroken, but she still sets him up with a friend and they dance and it's all sweet and made me go 'aaaow', but I can't find it anymore, so if anyone does, send me the link please.
ow, there's also a Ryan Carnes (yeah, the hot gay guy from 'Desperate Housewives') fetishist on there who posted every single bit of 'Eating out' where he gets naked (which is most of the movie).
On to the next subject: celebrities (sort of) and the stupid things they do and why do people still care about them?
Let's start off with one of the most annoying celebrities of all time: Jessica 'is it chicken' Simpson. Okay, she was funny in her (mock?) stupidity for about 5 minutes, but I'm sick of her by now. I am sick of her moronic behaviour, I am sick of the fact that she is so overly fake tanned that she looks like a fricking orange. And I am sick of her odd looking boobs. Also, I know that in these pictures she was wearing a wig, but still, she went out looking orange from head to toe and I hate orange as a dressing colour as well. And still, men fawn over this giant lollypop. I don't get it.
Then there's Hunter Tylo. Does anyone remember her? She was on a string of soaps, mostly 'the Bold and the Beautiful' and then she left and Aaron Spelling hired her for 'Melrose Place', but she was fired because she got pregnant and then she sued Aaron and won a gazillion dollars and then she went back to 'the b and the b' and instead of her plane having exploded she was kidnapped by a sjeik who kept her prisoner in his harem, but then she escaped just in time to stop Ridge and Brooke from getting married. That Hunter Tylo. Acting credibility aside, she was a lovely woman, often voted most beautiful woman on daytime television. Only two years ago, she was still a lovely woman in her thirties. Then she decided to 'enhance' a couple of things and well, not so lovely anymore... Why oh why? Look at those breasts (if I can still call them that)!! You could explain the 90° angle with those things.
Another woman who has overindulged in the surgery is Farrah Fawcett. Okay, she was getting old, true. But she was still getting old in a nice, dignified way. And then she did this. Look at her nose. She's ffing rich and she can't get a better plastic surgeon? Bye bye dignity.
Li'l Kim is an even bigger dumbass. Showing off every part of her body and actually almost letting us look inside her schmagina aside, she was still a young black girl, who then decided to try and become a white blow -up doll with assembly problems (or perhaps a career of overuse by a fat man named Cletus). And then she went to jail. Not that I'm saying there's a connection or anything.
And then there's Pete Burns, but I think all comment on that is redundant.
Ow, and Serena Williams, once a great tennis player has apparantly decided to make a career for herself as hefty stripper. Nice for her.
I loved the following story, because it's something that could come out of 'Spinal Tap' and it's just too stupid to be real, but it is. Supermodel Tatyana Simanava (ya, I never heard of the woman either) was on her luxury bus when she came back from the toilet and instead of going through the door back to the main part of the bus, she went through the exit door. At 65 km/hour. Apparantly the blonde model became desoriented and walked through the wrong door, falling onto the freeway, narrowly missing being run over and breaking her arm, dislocating her shoulder and cutting her face and head.
I don't mean to mock the poor girl's pain and it's sad that she cut her face and might never work as a model again, really it is. But this is exactly the kind of cliché thing one would expect a dumb model to do in the movies. It's just surreal when it happens in real life. Still, poor girl. Poor, stupid, girl.
Main image courtey of something positive. He's a funny guy.
Clearly, there's something wrong with this post, I'm blaming the spyware thingie, because I've edited the way it should be 7 times and it always drops parts. I give up :p
Endless Audacity, at 4:45 AM
Hallo Bob,
op vind je nog meer Youtube video's, je kan er ook je eigen vondsten op het forum posten, zie
Anonymous, at 6:52 AM
I guess la Simpson should just wear a bra :)
Karolien, at 10:27 AM
Cool Blog!
Occie17th, at 3:02 AM
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