I may hate myself in the morning

See, I kept my promise! And also, this blog entry contains links to graphic pages with men doing nasty things to other men. Don't say I didn't warn you!
As you may have gathered, I read quite a lot of blogs, of a wide subject - variety. Lovely funny blogs such as Go Fug Yourself, blogs that are pretty much just about pretty boys and snarky comments about them (The Pretty Boys Club) and gossip blogs, such as The Superficial. When I'm very bored, I play the link game: just click on a link from a blog, then on to the next link on that blog and so on and so on. A while ago, this ended me up on a blog that was about the (numerous) sexual conquests of a gay man. I generally don't much care for reading these, since I've always preferred my porn in some kind of visual form :p But anyways, the reason I bring it up, is that this guy mentioned quite a lot of fetishes he had. Which got me thinking about them.
I don't think I have any peculiar fetishes. Or even any 'regular' ones. I suppose you'd have to ask the boyfriend if there's anything I'm just a little too fond of. Nonetheless I can understand certain types of fetish: I get the whole 'being dominated and spanked thing' , though I'd have to be dead and at least room-temperature-cold before I'll let anyone do that to me :) But I can empathise with someone's desire to be dominated.
And though I am not particularly wild about it myself, I can appreciate that a man in uniform has something that might appeal. Same goes for the whole concept of older men, younger men, though the stereotypical voice in me says, this is a fetish mostly for the older men :p
Heck, I can even sympathise with the she-male / trannie / bisex fetishes, though it doesn't turn me on any either. And I'm all for turning the tables and men with vaginas, but I don't need to encounter one intimately. I never got into Pokémon, which might explain why the cartoony porn versions of it don't do much for me either, but to each his own. And I understand the attraction of black men, though I wouldn't go as far as to chase all around red&blue for them, as some people I know do.
However, in my research (whenever something catches my eye, I do research, which is why I know so much of the Dutch Royal family) I came across a couple of fetishes, I do NOT understand.
Now, I must admit, openminded as I think I am, I do not understand at all the appeal of being fucked by what I consider a modified kitchen appliance. Nor do I get all tingly in my belly at the thought of Santa riding me hard. I don't understand how a website devoted entirely to the wedding night of cross-dressers can be such a succes. And my neither regions don't groan with anticipation at the sight of a guy pretending to be a superhero and 'fucking evil to pieces'.
Does anyone else get it?
PS: I don't consider transsexuality, bisexuality or cross - dressing as 'fetishes' myself, since they are personal choice lifestyles, I simply mention them here because these particular websites do represent them as a fetish. Same goes for men of different ethnicities of course. I will however never say that being fucked by a powered - up toasteroven is a lifestyle, no matter how nice you may think it is.
PPS: did anyone recognise someone? I sure was surprised :)
aaaaaaaaaargh my eyes! Ik heb niemand herkend, maar misschien komt dat omdat ik het grootste deel van de tijd mijn ogen meteen afwendde o_o
Karolien, at 8:10 AM
Tss, I did put up a warning :p
Endless Audacity, at 8:31 AM
Wellwell, ik lees 1 update en ik heb meteen al meer porn-sites in m'n internethistory staan dan normaalgezien op een half jaar :-) Plus, daarna heb 'k al die links nóg eens aangeklikt om iemand te proberen herkennen. Which failed, btw :-) Next time, put that at the start of the update please :)
Oeh, enne, wie valt er nu eigenlijk te herkennen? :)
Anonymous, at 6:00 AM
ik heb anders wel een flauw vermoeden, maar ik ben niet 100% zeker.
mss heeft bob meer duidelijkheid, omdat hij de jongen in kwestie gedetailleerder kent.
in ieder geval OMG :-)
Filliberke Randall, at 8:55 AM
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