When you're where you should be all the time

At the last EV party ("Deadly Sins", the first one of our Biblical theme), I made a somewhat unfortunate choice in garments. I put on my nice vintage powderblue pants (still okay there), and as a shirt selected my kind-of-greenish-netted-but-not-really-netted shirt thing (old picture warning)(I have no clue what to name it, it's tight, it has long sleeves and like semi-gloves that come out of the sleeves). Despite the wonky sounding description, I think it's alright. But then I made the mistake: I came across this sleeveless shirt I bought at H&M once. I never try on shirts and just assume I will fit into them. In this case, I was wrong. Well, I fit into it, but it looked a little like fitting an elephant into a Volkswagon: just not that good. It had the same netted structure, but in red. Since I've never ever worn it, I thought: hey, here's a thought, I can't wear it solo, but maybe I can put it on OVER my green thingie. Which I did.
Somewhere during the party, I went to take a piss and when I was washing my hands, I looked into the mirror and realised to my horror that it WAS NOT a good idea. At all. And then it flashed through my head: what would the girls of Go Fug Yourself say about this (if I happened to be famous and staggering across a red carpet, instead of a nobody and staggering through a toilet)? Yup, that's right, this whole babble about my unfortunate wardrobe is just a tool to plug another great blog. Heather and Jessica, the two lovely (I assume) ladies (I assume) who "celebrate" that Fugly is the new Pretty, are funny, observant, and always right. Head over there and enjoy. Now.
In tennis news: our boys have done well lately. Olivier Rochus has gone up a couple of places again, and that's reason enough to put up some pictures of the cute little athlete.
In boyfriend news: to not get him grumbling over my Olivier Rochus admiration, here's Tom Boonen's groin for no reason what-so-ever :) Penises again? hmmm.
In shameless advertising: April 21st the Homo Top 100 is coming to Antwerp again. You can vote for your top 5 'gay' songs at this website. New this year is a panel of judges, such as Cathy Heyman and DJ Digna for Enig Verschil, Gerrit de Cock for JIM TV, Jonas Geirnaert, Koen Crucke, Lieven Vandenhaute, Tine Embrechts, Wim Oosterlinck and a lot of other television/media people. They will vote for their top tracks to prevent the Isabelle A gang and the Kylie Maffia from taking over again like last year. They will also be honorary guests at the party itself.
And I know, I'm a terrible updater, but next one will be not so far away, I almost promise. Almost.
Great Avatar :D
Will read the rest when I get back from Ice-Age 2
Occie17th, at 10:50 AM
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