What's a guy gotta do...

despite my PC problems, let's try to do another post.
unfortunate problem is that I have nothing to write about. So uh, I'll just write about books and post pictures of naked men? Yeah, I can hear Kevin approving with at least 50% of that.
So, books!
I just finished reading "The Battle of Life" by Charles Dickens, who is obviously my fave writer. I must admit though, I didn't like this story so much. It's not a very well known one and I understand why. It has little of the drama and character development that his other novels I read, had. The link takes you to Project Gutenberg by the way, which is great, as you can download a lot of classic books for free. Of course, printing them is a bitch and reading from printed A4's takes something of the reading experience away as far as I'm concerned, but I hadn't been able to find any of the less famous Dickens books anywhere else.
I also read "Slaap!" by Annelies Verbeke, which is a much celebrated book over here and I'm apparantly the only person who really didn't like it. I forced myself to finish it in one day, just to be done with it. I can't really say what I hated about it exactly. The characters bothered me, the style bothered me and the plot exasperated me. I'm quite the insomniac myself and I have had long periods of time where I slept 3 or less hours a night, and I don't think I ever went nuts. Possibly a little excentric (is that spelled right?), but never nuts. I suppose that's the most annoying thing about it: you can feel like crap and like screaming at anyone who happily plods on, but yet you manage to function in society. And refrain from killing everyone who says 'you look tired' (seriously guys, it's annoying, I know I look tired). Okay, uh, what was I saying?
I'm actually boring myself so here's the books I've read in the past month: Charles Dickens' "Oliver Twist" (Great!), Stephen King's "Riding the Bullet" (Mediocre), Johan Vandevelde's "Jaspers vlinders" (ok, but really more for a younger crowd), Stephen King's "It" (I read that one 5 times already, first time when I was 8, and it STILL scares me to death) and F. Scott Fitzgerald's "The Great Gatsby" (Alright).
In exciting news: I'm trying to not tear off my nails anymore and now they're all kind of long, which is extremely annoying, but I shall try to persist until I have figured out how to operate a nail clipper. Yes, I don't know how okay.
Anyways, guys with no clothes on. Or not a whole lot of them in some cases.
This guy is called Pierre Fitch, which somehow sounds slimy to me. He's a 'bit' overly coloured on, but he does have a great lower back area. He's the same guy that's nailing the plastic horse in my festish post. Taken out of context that could sound very wrong, so *disclaimer* I have no festishes for either overly coloured on persons, OR for nailing plastic and/or real horses.
I have no idea who these two are, but he is rather cute.
This guy is called Thom Barron and he's a German. He actually manages to look German.
I don't know who this is, but he has funny ears. Kind of like a cute monkey. A bald one, obviously. With opposable thumbs.
This is Derec Alexander. He sunbathes a lot, me thinks. And I don't really know what to say about Lane Fuller, Sebastian Bonnet (hiii, funny name) and this guy.
This concludes the filler post of the day.
Zal ik maar de eerste zijn om toe te geven dat ik je boekrecensies heb overgeslaan en onmiddellijk naar the good stuff ben gegaan?
Spruit, at 3:30 AM
Hoe vreemd, ik heb enkel de boekrecensies gelezen... (Hm, I only read Great Expectations, which I loved... but the movie didn't quite live up to my great expectations after reading the novel...)
Siska, at 7:49 AM
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