As long as it takes

Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
still, I trapped a big spider & I'm strangely fascinated by it.
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
its quite pretty for a big horrible spider that's right here in my room. I'm so weird, I'm terrified by them but I'm really fascinated by them aswell
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
& while usually I'm all "spider kill it"
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
now I'm actually sitting here hoping it won't run out of oxygen byt omorrow so I can release it alive
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
I have that with Jessica Simpson
I should probably do an actual update.
Missy, the cat my grandma took in from the neighbours because their cat didn't get along with her, and that turned out pregnant, which anyoyone could have noticed due to the enormous belly and huge nipples, but my grandma is used to fat cats so she didn't notice, anyways, that Missy had her kittens 3 days ago. My grandma, my mum and I played gynaecologists, but we weren't really needed, since it was an easy birth. I could have done without watching her eating the placenas though. She has 3 healthy and übercute kittens, two girls and a boy. I have named them Rozebottel, Bintje and JC. We probably won't keep them though, since that would bring the number of animals to 6 cats and an annoying little dog downstairs and an annoying big dog upstairs.
So uh... Jordan Johnson has these pictures of Pamela Anderson looking like an advertisement for sunscreen. She's getting married to Kid Rock four times, because you know... Actually I don't know. Anyway, her tiara thingy is very pretty. Or it's so ugly I can't even mock it.
Speaking of Jordan, his blog Jordan Is Your Homeboy is very funny and also he's rather cute. Only drawback is that he finds Jessica Simpson very hot. Which can be forgiven because he's cute and funny. But it does fry my bacon. I'm not totally sure I used that saying in the right context, but it seemed appropriate. To recap: Jordan = hot, Jordan = funny, Jordan's blog = good, Jessica Simpson = skank.
Speaking of skank, here are her nipples. She has this whole 'blow for a buck' thing going on, which is a big step for her, coming from 'blow for free'. Good for her!
And she's working on her culture, going so far as even reading a book. Or holding it and looking sort of confused about what to do with it.
Anyways, I'm off to camp from monday till sunday, and back to work next monday, so I won't be around, which will undoubtedly sadden all two of you.
Ow yeah, I changed nightshops (long story) and turns out there's one with an owner that's actually cute. He speaks no Dutch, two words of English and seems to be retarded or just very shy. Big improvement.
Ow yeah, the Boy Toy of the Blog. Here's a couple of them, to hold you for a week or two. They have names, but really, like you care. Did you know by the way that there are only about 5 poses in man-porn?
Oeh!! A boy toy that's actually reaaaallly cute. The one on "couple" and "them" is sooooo totally my type. More!
Enne, hf op kamp en al! Be nice to them newbies :)
Anonymous, at 2:09 PM
Unless she grows a penis and at least half a brain, that doesn't seem likely.
And well, I just meant that you see a lot of the same poses over and over and over again, that's all, wasn't really meant to be serious, nothing here is :)
Endless Audacity, at 5:51 PM
LMAO I love the conversation up there at the top. It made me laugh.
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