Sparks flying in the dark
I prefer penis
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
although vulva is a word that really rolls off your tongue
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
I just don't want to roll my tongue over a vulva
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
which is a subtle distinction
I have received many compliments over my little bout of late night madness that I posted earlier so thanks a lot. Next time a thrilling story of sex, violence and manipulation, conducted by teenage singers. I will call it Spearsville and dedicate it to Jessica Simpson's stylist, who must surely have shot him or herself by now. If not, he/she should be shot.
You see, the main problem with part of your blog being dedicated to posting pictures of Jessica looking a) stupid b) ugly c) stupid d) silly e) badly dressed or f) all of the above, is that it's not much of a challenge. It's basically a process of Jessica leaving the house and having her picture taken et voilà all over the internet.
Therefore it is nice to see that she has outdone herself at some event (I'm not much of a researcher) by first putting on a pair of heinous shoes? Clogs? Espadrilles? Slippers?
Let's call it footwear. Maybe it might even have been cute, if it didn't have the colour of an incontinent grandfather's favourite white underpants, you know, the pair he wears on mondays because he wants to feel nice the first day of the week, but he also wears them on sundays, to go to church, so by monday night they're a tad rank and have that exact colour.
The dress is not as clownish this time, but it's awfully full isn't it? Personally I prefer my clothes to be sort of uh you know, one colour, possibly two, maybe with a little decoration, if it's not too much. However, I wouldn't be caught dead in something that looks as if Van Gogh puked on it.
The hair is still a creation of Cheap Ass Extenstions Incorporated so let's just skip that.
The thing that sends this outfit over the wall is, obviously, the huge pair of sunglasses on her remodified schnauzer.
Jess, sweetie? You're inside. You know, in a building. And you're there with the purpose of being photographed. So why the sunglasses? If you were going to cover something up, how about your - still oddly shaped and so tanned I can actually see some kind of rash - breasts? Can we work on that, can we?
Ow right, before Frank starts bitching again (by saying so I have of course made sure he'll find something to bitch about :)) here's a Boy Toy of the Blog. He's not that cute - again, what's up with that? - but he oddly reminds me of Frank. Somehow. Something about him. And it's a little creepy... Because he might be a little cute if he didn't remind me so much of a naked Frank...
*Goes of to his safe place and leaves you with other MSN stuff he needs to put somewhere because his blog document thingy is backing up*
Deemer / My robot will never die zegt:
she really doés have supernipples
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
and they're attention whores
Deemer / My robot will never die zegt:
god I hope I'm better at sex
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
I'd be happy to evaluate you, purely in the name of uh science?
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
yes, science
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
obey science!
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
they gave us penicilline and internet pornography
Deemer / My robot will never die zegt:
is there anything they can't do?
Endless Audacity *Ziek* zegt:
make the internet porn free
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
hold old am i
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
wait, I was born in 1982
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
so 20 in 2002
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
that doesn't sound right
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
oh right, I was born in october
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
I'm 23
Endless Audacity *Kattenasiel Paula* zegt:
I've always been a little forgetful
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
oh man my future looks grim
Tiens, die lijkt inderdaad wel op Frank, op een soort tweelingsbroer eigenlijk. Maybe Peter.
Anonymous, at 3:08 AM
Sure, Frank's imaginary twin has come to live to do porn.
Actually, considering it's Frank's subconscious, it's almost plausible...
Endless Audacity, at 4:42 AM
my god, de gelijkenis is inderdaad nogal creepy! *freaks*
Karolien, at 6:01 AM
'k was hem al eens tegengekomen.
toch zijn er wat verschillen:
1) dikkere lippen
2) hij heeft hangtetten
3) hij trekt een scheve mond
4) not hairy enough
Anonymous, at 8:57 AM
Hmmm, back-up Frank ;-)
1) smaller beer belly
2) bigger lips
3) experience in the paying porn-biz
4) not hairy
Can someone get me his number? :)
Anonymous, at 10:23 AM
Maar Tim, pornosterren blijven niet aan het raam wachten tot hun echtgenoot thuiskomt. Je kan niet alles hebben hé ;-)
Spruit, at 12:52 AM
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