All that you can't leave behind even though it's bad for you

Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
I think its really réally weird that you read hi at like 7-8
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
my dad read him
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
and my parents always tended to forget I was only 7
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
besides, as long as I was quietly reading, it was all good
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
some trauma aside
Rens has been asking for an update and I can't refuse him anything so here goes.
Camp was great. It was exhausting, it was stressful, it was unforgettable and I'm so glad I did it. I'm not going to divulge into details, but really, I felt for the first time in a while that I was doing something worthwhile.
Me and Lien also shared 'Dumbest camp moment' , with her running into the side of a door and me falling off a stage during a fit of laughter. We were of course both parodied at the free podium and I feel certain we will be reminded of it for years to come.
Anyways, I laughed a lot, and had such a good time, I'd forgotten how nice it could feel to just laugh and act like an idiot. I didn't have any break down moments though. No crying. I kind of wished I did, I think a good cry would release a lot of stuff, but I'm not the kind that easily cries.
Despite the fact that I had known all the other camp-guidance-people (I don't know the word, okay) for years, I was really surprised by all of them. Some of them I even will really miss hanging out with. Bert, Siska, Vlien, Tom and of course Anja come to mind, and I loved talking to Pieter, which is strange, because I've known him since forever, and we never really talked before.
After camp, I had to go straight to work, which was less fun, but it was very calm. Tuesday and wednesday I had the day off, so I went out for drink with Kevin and Kenneth and we ran into Janti, which was nice, he's still a bitch though :)
In the morning, Kenneth had to go to work, and Kevin and me went out for breakfast and it was one of the funnest mornings in a long while. I've read somewhere that I am at the age where you create the friendships that will be the most lasting and important in your life. Maybe that's true, but I've known Kevin and Kenneth since I was 19 and I do believe we will be friends for a long time to come. I hope so anyhow. Same goes for Karo, who I have seen very little of the last 6 months, but it doesn't seem to affect how we feel about each other. Tim is an example of someone it took me a long time to be friends with (not that I ever disliked him, we just didn't seem to click right away), but now I can't really imagine not having him around. At camp he was his usual supportive self, and he really made tough moments better.
Yes, I know, I'm rambling. There's so much I'd like to say about camp, but I don't think I could say it all very well, and some things are just not to be blogged about.
Anywho, I also had mother's day lunch with my grandma, my mother, my brother and my two nieces. They've been around more lately, and it's nice. I've commented a lot on the fact that I don't really feel like I have a family, and it's nice to connect with them a little more. They're nice girls and you know, they are family, so I'm happy to see more of them.
My brother is apparantly leaving for 3 months or more, to work on one of those mining platforms in the ocean, so we won't be seeing him for a while. That'll be weird, not seeing him around. He also sort of urged me to go see my father, he says he changed, got off the alcohol and drugs, and that he's lonely. Maybe I even will, who knows. I'm nothing if not forgiving.
I had a long talk about forgiving and how far one should go with that with Sueann, and I realised that pretty soon I'll be leaving EV, and even sooner, she will have to leave EV. And I like Sueann a lot, I respect her, I appreciate her with her good and bad qualities, and I enjoy her company. Despite this, we never get together outside of EV, and that goes for a lot of people there. And soon, we will probably hardly ever see each other anymore, and that's a shame. I don't really have a point here either, just that I will miss Sueann :)
I might be leaving EV sooner than I expected anyway, in about 2 months, but I haven't really made a decision about it yet. A lot of people are leaving, for various reasons, and I doubt more and more if there is still a place for me there. I could go on, I'm pretty sure I'd get re-elected, even if that sounds pompeous, but I think it's true. I just don't know if I want to be.
I'm gonna stop rambling, can't imagine this being very interesting to anyone. Next time I'll post a story and mock Jessica, promise.
See, I read all the way through, not sure if I'd do the same for Jessica... ;)
Just wanted to say I was really happy you were one of the people at camp. We always happen to... be at the same places somehow, so I'm kinda trusting the universe to keep causing the Bob-effect. Although I wouldn't mind intentionally meeting up... obviously. :)
Big hug, darling!
Siska, at 3:45 AM
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