Rising up, back on the street
Yes, I'm going to whine and pretend to make intelligent observations again. Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night! (Yeah, I'm reading the Bette Davis biography, which I got from Kenneth's dad, because I told him I was a fan of hers).
I used to have tons of 'friends', and I made new ones very easily. The last few years, however, I seem to be having a hard time making new ones, instead drawing into the same rather limited social circle more and more. Not that there's anything really wrong with that, except, that social circle consists mostly out of couples and people that are at very different stages in their life, which means that there's only so much sharing you can do. Hey, I can't very well intrude upon Kenneth and Kevin every night :)
My social ineptness and apparant inability to talk to people I don't already know may have deeper roots which I will just ignore, the main issue with it, is that I'd like to make some new friends. Kevin says the answer is going into a completely new social circle, thus meeting lots of new people, and one of them has to be friends material. Setting aside the fact that talking to people I don't know is my problem, I think he might have it wrong.
Going on camp I've spent time with a lot of people I actually already knew a long time, but for some reason never made friends with. To take Siska as an example (who loves being the subject of blogs, hehe): here's a lady who I've run into on quite a few occassions over the years, and I always went away from those encounters thinking "that's a mighty nice girl". I'm not being a suck-up, I remember telling Karo, who's a mutual friend, on several occassion that I really liked that Siska. Now again, at camp, I had a great time with her. So why were we never really friends? It's possible of course that she just hates my guts, but I dare to doubt that one :) I suppose because it would have taken an effort for us to be friends. We're not exactly living closeby each other, and we don't frequent the same places.
Same goes for Anja and Pieter, who I've known since forever as well. Forever being back when I was a wee teenager, which isn't really that long ago, but it feels like forever. I've always liked Anja, but I suppose I never took the time to really talk to her. Now I 'had' to and found out that we really click, and have a lot of things in common. Same for Pieter, though I think we have less in common, but our sense of humour seems to match, and that's basically enough to be friends on :)
Just imagine how many great friends we missed out on because we didn't take the time to see.
And re-reading this, I'm beginning to think I lost my sense of coherently stating a thought, but I'm sure you get my drift.
And since a great part of this blog is dedicated to Siska, I shall not offend Jessica Simpson this time around ;) But I'm not promising it will last!
How did you figure I don't hate your guts?
The late night conversations? The confessions about my real taste in music? The late late night conversations?
Something must've given me away...
Anyways, the feeling is obviously quite mutual, we click, darling! And I absolutely recognise what you're talking about. I used to travel lengths to meet friends all over the place... well, all over Flanders, maybe the Netherlands, France or England occasionally. :) (Just never Wallonia, hm, am I racist now?)
The thing is, I'll consider you like more of a friend than someone I happen to see a lot, but who's not exactly my cup of tea. Cause I know the potential of being actual friends would be higher with you if the circumstances would allow it. Some of my best friends I only see a few times a year, but I do consider them as friends. Especially those, cause no matter how long you haven't seen them, how many things have happened, you usually manage to immediately find the right balance and strike up a decent conversation with them...
Uhm... don't think I'm going anywhere else with this... So all there's left for me to say is thanking you for putting me in the spotlight... You know I secretely love the attention...
Siska, at 5:52 AM
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