Mijn spaarpot uitschudden
and what else is up?
SiS zegt:
Nothing much
SiS zegt:
Hormones running wild, considering everybody to sleep with, but not getting any
SiS zegt:
How're you?
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
hormones running wild, still consciously not sleeping with anyone
SiS zegt:
We can relate, then
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
dear god
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
I'm a lesbian now aren't I?
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
Kevin was right
SiS zegt:
I'm afraid so
SiS zegt:
The words "conscious" and "sex" in one sentence... very sapphic
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
hehe, clearly I must post haste indulge in a cum-soaked orgy with syfillis infested strangers
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
sadly, that sentence kind of turned me on
SiS zegt:
Yes, I was just thinking, when is he finally gonna post haste indulge in a cum-soaked orgy with syfillis infested strangers, but I'm glad you mentioned it yourself
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
we're so in tune it's scary
SiS zegt:
Well, since you;re turned on now, you might just wanna break the principles and get some
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
sadly (again) my principles (surprisingly) are stronger than my hormones (except when it comes to greasy food, sadly, thrice)
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
also I'ts 1.14 here, I'm in my yammies and slippers and about to retire for the night
SiS zegt:
Hm, you'll have to stick to that fuzzy old teddybear
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
not even that, just my own fuzzy self. Though I had every intention of clutching that old thing
SiS zegt:
Well... selfservice is nice
SiS zegt:
At least you know what you want
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
warm hands mostly, I'm astonishingly easy
SiS zegt:
Djees, even I could do you
SiS zegt:
Well, actually, my hands are always cold
SiS zegt:
So I couldn't
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
another sign that we are tragic star-crossed lovers, meant to be, but forever separated by unwanted genitals and a chilly pair of hands
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
woe is us
SiS zegt:
It's is saddening, indeed
SiS zegt:
By the way, when are you gonna write another blog
SiS zegt:
I demand it, darling
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
hmm, that brings the 'demanding people' to 4.
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
well, I probably shall soon
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
some day
SiS zegt:
Next year or something like it
Bob *This just in: Hell froze over* zegt:
tell you what, I shall copy paste part of this conversation as an intro, it will make me feel more obligated to get a move on
And that, dear readers, brings us to my first post of 2007.
Though technically a little late to do a year review, let us see what 2006 brought us.
Lindsay Lohan crashed her car, more times than I wish to recount, we saw Britney’s vagina more than we saw her children, Tara Reid dragged herself out of the gutter and cleaned up, Donald Trump called Rosie O’Donnell a fat loser, Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz are both single again, The Devil Wears Prada amused me endlessly, but then again, so did Drawn Together, Jessica Simpson became an ugly mess, Miss USA slutted it up, but got to keep her crown because Miss Nevada was an even bigger slut, I’m still hoping for Miss Belgium’s sex-tape, so finally someone can go represent our country on Youtube. Speaking of sex tapes, everyone seemed to have one last year, from hot and prim little British soccer players I never heard of before they gang-banged a giggling 17 year old (why does she kee giggling?), to a Dutch soccer player (are we seeing a pattern?) getting fucked up the arse with a dildo by his girlfriend, to that guy from Saved by the Bell (maybe he plays soccer is his spare time?) using his penis to slather feces all over some chick’s face. And perhaps the most important development of the year: Jessica Alba is so out, now it’s Jessica Biel and her awesome butt (seriously, to paraphrase Akon, don’t you just want to smack that, all on the floor till it gets sore?) who have taken the much coveted spot of ‘it-girl’.
Will 2007 see Britney’s children file for their own custody? Will Lindsay get clean and learn to drive? Is their a Jessica C-something waiting in the wings? Will we see more soccer players smacking things until they stop giggling? And will I update again any time soon? Only time will tell!
My hot boss's Jessica T, but I don't want to wait that long for her to... so can we skip a few letters?
Anonymous, at 5:18 PM
Thank God you finally posted something again. I was starting to show signs of celebrity news withdrawal...
And more importantly, I can now watch that English soccer player video that I've been googling for without success. Whee!
Anonymous, at 1:31 AM
Bwaha, die video van die orgie is funny. Die eerst-langs-achter-neukende is trouwens niet mis, en niet te klein geschapen. Hooray! :)
De shitvideo laadt niet, but I guess I'll just be happy for that :)
Now just keep on updating please!
Anonymous, at 9:15 AM
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