Dat is raar hoe dat werkt
Well, that's down the tubes now...
I guess that means I'm now left with Anne Hathaway. First off because she was great in The Devil Wears Prada, and because she made Ella Enchanted really enjoyable despite being only a so-so movie. She is the Audrey Hepburn type of actress (a sub-species which also includes Julia Roberts) who smile so much and somehow manange to channel a lot through that smile. Anyway, that's what I think. I also like how she was genuinly horrified when a top which she thought was black, turned out to be see-through on flash-pictures. And (I'm preparing to have Kevin go all whoop-ass on me for sacriligeon) I think her version of Queen's Somebody to Love, which she did for Ella Enchanted, was really nice. And instead of the likes of Lindsay Lohan, she managed to turn her new-found fame in something more than tabloidfilling by choosing good movies, like aforementioned Prada and Brokeback Mountain. I hope to be seeing more of her, and I pray, pray that she will not fall victim to the starlettitis of drinking, drugs and showing off vaginas.
I have spoken.
Met dat somebody to love-ding van Queen heb ik absoluut niks, dus gezien je het over heiligschennis hebt (en er van uitgaande dat het over Kevin-me gaat en niet over Kevin-anotheronewhomustbefake), denk 'k dat het (don't you want) somebody to love van Jefferson Airplane moet zijn :)
En ja, da's inderdaad heiligschennis :)
Anonymous, at 11:13 AM
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