Here comes Johnny with his pecker in his hand
Deemer / But it falls apart zegt:
Deemer / But it falls apart zegt:
how do you even come across all those buttpics
Endless Audacity *Step on toes, it all goes* zegt:
it's surprisingly easy
Deemer / But it falls apart zegt:
no wonder iran hates us.
Speaking of butts, Roland Garros is already over again (I swear there's a connection, stay with me here). I love watching tennis, particularly the Grand Slams and especially Wimbledon, which is coming up, so yayish.
So, the two defenders won the title, which is great for them and Justine deserved her victory. Though I still always sort of root for Kim. I saw a lot of Nadal's matches and he was very good as well, but to me he only won the final because Federer was, well, kind of bad to say the truth. Maybe he had a case of heatstroke?
And also a thumbs up for Martina Hingis getting so far. I love the whole fairy tale come-back angle. And it helps that she has a very enjoyable way of playing the game.
So anyways, like I said, I saw a lot of Nadal's matches, purely by accident, they were usually on when I wasn't working. I've noticed this before, but it all came bouncing back to me now: Rafael Nadal has a fantastic ass, barely hidden underneath those silly white pants he's always wearing. It's like two perfectly sculpted, yet bouncy orbs, just struggling to get free from their skimpy confinements. What I also noticed this year: I think the camera people at Roland Garros agreed with me. About every 5 seconds there was some close-up of Nadal's bodacious behind. They don't do that when Federer is standing ready to accept the serve (not so much anyways).
So like I said, looking forward to Wimbledon, Sue Barker, Nadal accepting serves, Federer on his best ground, and hopefully another slam by Kim. And maybe we'll even see Lindsay Davenport again, because she seems to have dropped off the face of the earth. Which reminds me, where the heck is Mary Pierce? Maybe they went on a cruise together.
Ow right, I'm a working man now and so far it's pretty okay. Kids are nice, co-workers are nice, work is not too hard, but absorbing enough to not be dull and they're all very relaxed and easygoing. The only downside so far is the commute. Zandhoven is only about 20 minutes from Lier by motorcycle (but mine died years ago, and no, I don't have a bike and yes, I could do that in summer, but I'm thinking ahead of cold weather which in Belgium is probably in two weeks), but since there are no direct bus connections between them, I spend 2,5 hours going to work and 2 hours coming back. That's a fricking 4,5 hours on a bus every day. Tomorrow I only have to go into work for two hours. I work parttime and I'm still away from home longer than my fulltime working mum :p So yeah, I think I need to get a new motorcycle. And by new, I mean of course, second hand and cheap.
This saturday I had a course thing for work in De Hoge Rielen, which I got to attend because the girl who was supposed to go and they already paid the 35 euros so they sent me in her place. The morning part was just doing things in the forest, as ideas what you could do with preschoolers. That sounds more wrong than it's supposed to be, but you get the idea. Anyways, although we got some good ideas, for us grown-ups it was dull as frick. And during one of the assignments I had to be dressed up to be a spring prince or something like that, which resulted in me getting my hair coloured (yellow, blue, green, purple, red and pink, it was lovely) , a crown made out of straws and feathers put on my head, my arms and legs being painted and every other possible part of my body being covered in colourful wraps. Did I mention it was 30 degrees celcius? celsius? It was hot okay! After hugging a tree (which really hurt my nipple, but more on that some other time and yes, we had to hug a tree) we then got a delicous BBQ with lots of veggies and 3 kinds of meat, it was delicious.
Did you know by the way that about 90% of people working in child daycare are female? And did you know that the other 10% is gay? Did you also know that of that 10% about 7.45 % is hot? And did you know that at least one of those takes of his shirt and pants when he sits in the sun? Well, you do now. There are some odd people working in daycare. But I suppose people living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
Anyways (that's like my third anyways already, I'm so like totally Paris Hilton, but like I eat stuff) after the BBQ we did this big game, where we were divided first into tree teams (I was a Beuk) and then into colours within our tree, making me a Rode Beuk (or Red uh English word for Beuk which I could look up but am too lazy for).
We had to do all these assignments and fight the Gromlins. Assignments included me rowing to the middle of a lake, but the boat turned out to be only half inflated making me sink, which was refreshing, but I smelled like a sewer for the rest of the day. But still, great fun was had and in the end the Rode Beuken on, so ha! The prize was a bag of parsley seeds. It's the thought that counts, but I don't have anywhere to put any parsley so that'll prolly go to waste unless anyone would really like to have them, then just drop me a line.
I went to Red&Blue with Kenneth, Kevin and a some other people and we had a good time. I think. I remember fun, but most actual memories seem to have been erased, probably due to beer. Rather unusual for me to completely forget stuff, I guess it's the almost not sleeping, hardly eating and busy days. And possibly the beer. But only possibly.
In other news, Victoria Silvstedttsgsfdd or whatever her name is, and whatever she was famous for again, showed up to an AIDS benefit like this. She loves to "share".
And also, I hate Jessica Simpson. I have gone from 'who?' to mild annoyance, to indifference, to great annoyance, to thinking it was all funny, to disdain and now, for reasons I don't know, to just hating her guts. The grown - up thing to do, would be to ignore her all together. Since that is boring, I shall instead post as many pictures of her looking stupid as I can find. Well, not as many as I can find, I don't have all night and day. This update: Jessica wearing a skinned clown and Jessica forcing her boobs onto the camera.
Ah, Jessica Simpson. De bimbo en de Chicken of the Sea...
Spruit, at 2:19 AM
Totally unrelated but I saw you mentioned a miss Abelheim in one of your blogs.
I have that surname, I'm from South Africa and was wondering if you could tell me more.
Anonymous, at 5:28 AM
It's beech... You're welcome... 8)
Siska, at 6:48 AM
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