I hope you felt this all along

Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
oh my god
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
especially the one in his ass; wtf.
Endless Audacity *Marathon Man* zegt:
well, it would probably take a lot of them to hang him out to dry
Endless Audacity *Marathon Man* zegt:
I suppose
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
yes.. but... why.
Endless Audacity *Marathon Man* zegt:
tingly sensations
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
Endless Audacity *Marathon Man* zegt:
touch me
Endless Audacity *Marathon Man* zegt:
hehehehehe... God, I'm so lame...
And now time for a jolly post.
The Boy Toy of the Blog this time is this guy, whose name I don't know. And that's pretty much all there is to say about him.
In breaking news: I have realised why Paris Hilton always runs around in garments that are suspiciously like underwear and leave her (possibly amplified) tits and ass hanging out. When she wears something that looks like an actual dress, and leaves her naughty bits out of sight, attention is drawn to her face, and as a direct consequence to the fact that her face looks like she had a run-in with a hot iron, which made it melt. Seriously, barf.
Star Jones isn't that well known here, heck, I barely know what she does, but she hosts the View, a talk-show with an all female panel, proving women have brains or something. Apparantly Star is the crazy one. She used to be huge, really huge, then she slimmed down miraculously in no time at all (and good for her) and claimed it was just dieting, but everyone else says it was surgery. Then she had something done to her breasts, which is fine as well. She married some guy everyone seems to agree is gay and only married her to keep up appearances, while he parties with strings of men. Or something like that. And now she appears in public like this and makes me wonder why oh why would she do that. Image is from perezhilton.com.
And then there is Jessica Simpson (I'm not giving up on that!). She said the most profound thing recently, and by profound I mean 'stupid'.
"I love to kiss with my eyes open, because I can take in the entire situation and know if I'm enjoying it or not."
Yes dear, I suppose it does take too much brain power to close your eyes, kiss AND think about whether this is nice or not. I know I just loooooove someone staring at me with wide open eyes when I'm kissing.
Anyways, here is Jessica looking rather nice, in a Barbie kind of way. Here she is on her back, where she belongs and really, to the ladies: do breasts point up like that when you're on your back? Real ones I mean, wouldn't they uh drop down a bit? I'm just wondering, it looks strange to me. Can anyone clue me in?
And here is the Jessica inspirational poster that is just a must have.
denk ook af en toe eens aan de gevoelige kijker :)
Filliberke Randall, at 1:30 PM
Probeer me ajb niet wijs te maken dat je jezelf daarbij rekent :p
Endless Audacity, at 4:35 PM
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