You stopped and smiled at me

Deemer / They say it fades if you let it zegt:
Deemer / They say it fades if you let it zegt:
why would you DO that.
Endless Audacity *Trotse Rode Beuk* zegt:
it's like the lost Power Ranger. the glittery green one, called isaac, with the power to deepthroat the enemy to death and his robot is a pink poodle named Queerosaurus
This little intermezzo actually followed a rather serious discussion (as serious as nighttime dehydrated discussions get anyways) about sex between friends and the potential of awkwardness afterwards. I'm of the opinion that sex between friends should be possible, but only if both of them are certain it will not negatively influence the friendship there is. Fucking your mate while he's drunk out of his mind, bad idea. If he wakes up the next morning and is embarassed and awkward around you, was that really worth drunk sex?
If you anwser yes, you might not care too much about your friends. But that's cool, not every one can have a heart :)
I've been in both situations. I had sex with a friend of mine once (sober and he came on to me) and afterwards he was very weird about it. I'm just going to preserve my self-esteem and assume it had nothing to do with my 'performance'. Anyways (aargh, what is it with me and that word!), the sex was most definitely not worth losing a friend. Although I suppose we would have grown apart either way sooner or later, but that's not really the point.
I've had sex with friends who were okay with it, and if it had any impact on us, it was a positive one. I'm not advocating it, far from, because I think in a lot of cases it does raise issues. But it can happen.
I would however not have sex with a friend if there was even the slightest notion in my head that it would lead to our friendship being altered in a negative way. The Penis is a mighty motivator, but a quick (or even a long) bump'n'grind is not worth losing someone by your side, who you can depend on, talk and laugh with, and have serious nighttime conversations with. Or joke about men in spandex :)
Btw, I'm not specifically talking about him, I just got to thinking about it, because of something that came up in the conversation.
And now for something completely different. I assume everyone knows "MadTV", but how many of you know this hilarious Darlene McBride, a redneck, racist, homophobic, big-haired country singer. She sings about the basic values in life, such as white supremacy, straight marriage and the right to owning as many guns as you want. Her songs are actually catchy as frick, though extremely offensive. Go check her out here:
Christmas Special
Mother Day's Special
Thanksgiving Special
Take Back America Tour
Songs for Lovers
Songs for the Children
Greatest Hits
Marshall McBride LP
She's just the bee's knees baby!
Another thing I found on Youtube is this clip from the absolutely Trashtastic Anna Nicole Smith, presenting an award at the Australian MTV. You can watch her be all classy here. The reason I posted is, because I am strangely hot for the drunk, unattractive singer (the left one). He's not my type, I think he looks sort of scruffy and yet... me thinks he hawt (Paris, get back in your cage, bitch! Damnit). I found a picture of him here, his band is called the Dissociatives and I've never heard of them.
And with that, we hail the return of Boy Toy of the Blog. More to come fo' su'.
And in what seems to be becoming an on-going series: more celebs looking like total retards and/or whores.
First up: Denise Richards. Is anyone else really sick of the whole Charlie Sheen is an abusive pornaddict and I only screwed my best friend's husband after they were already in trouble and that makes it okay and I keep my kids away from their grandparents to spite my ex and -takes a deep breath- poor me and WHY IS NO ONE SUPPORTING ME!!!!!! - business. In case none of this rings any bells, good for you, you avoid the gossip columns at all costs and missed this soap opera-esque drama. Anyw... uh ... To continue: dressing like this, might not help her 'poor abused wife' case.
Next up: only Mariah Carey could 'accidently' 'stumble' on 'hidden' paparazzi while walking her dog and 'by coincidence' look as if she spent 5 hours doing hair, make-up and picking out clothes. Kudos!
And of course, let us not forget Jessica Simpson.
In closing: this guy was voted sexiest soccer player by the Mexicans. His name is Iker Casillas and I don't think he's all that sexy actually. Not horridly ugly either, just not 'woowsabestlookingsoccerplayerever'. Whatcha think?
As far as that mexican list goes: die gast is wel degelijk een van de knapsten :-) Or at least cute enough to be on the "I'd do him"-list :-) Samen met Kaka dan toch (what's in a name?).
Ter info: de rest van de lijst:
Anonymous, at 2:37 AM
er zijn ook vrienden waar je al kiekenvel van krijgt als je nog maar aan sex met hen denkt ;)
@ K_x: de rest van de lijst is nu niet bepaald knap te noemen
Filliberke Randall, at 9:49 AM
da's beter :)
Filliberke Randall, at 9:55 AM
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