Basket Case

According to a study by a Dutch psychologist, gay men connect the length of their penis to their self-esteem. They also named the penis as the prettiest part of the man, followed by the stomach and the skin. According to the psychologist, this is because gay men are the sexual object of other men, and need to be hit on.
Now I've met plenty of gay men who were indeed size queens, but I have to wonder: do gay men really care more about their own penis than straight ones? I personally don't really remember gay men bemoaning their penis problems (though I remember several who bragged about their gargantuan tool), but I have had to listen to two straight men share their insecurities about their dicksize and whether or not girls would think they were tiny. So I call bullshit :) Men are just obsessed with their own dick, no matter what orientation they may have.
Moving on from that: do gay men really consider the penis the most beautiful body part? Really? I'm actually asking here. I know I don't. Don't get me wrong, I like my dick, it's nice and cool too play with and I've never had complaints about the thing, but I don't stand around, admiring it in the mirror. And while I can certainly appreciate a good solid cock on other men, I don't think I would ever dub it 'the most beautiful part'. Though I guess, if he were reaaaaally ugly, but had a nice dick. But why would I even be seeing him pantsless then? Yes, that was shallow, wasn't it.
While I think an erect penis does have a certain uh charm, I've never much cared for the flacid version. I mean, it just 'hangs' there, occassionally flopping around maybe. Ever seen a naked man run down a flight of stairs? It's possibly the silliest view ever.
So, all you gay men out there (or, the 3 people who read this blog and didn't start blushing when they read 'tool'): how do you feel about your dick, and everyone else's? PS: those of you who did blush, don't click the link.