There's no reason not to be confused!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Het enorme netwerk van lesbiennes en hun strijd tegen het kwakje op café

Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
and, to pressure you for a final time!!!!!
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
I'll think it over. maybe I'll feel more like it tomorrow [big maybe]
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
aaah the pressure
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* verzendt:
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
the ultimate pressurizer! an adorable kitten
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
resist that
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
my weakness WHO TOLD YOU
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
kittens are a universal weakness
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
except in asia
Bob *Enough to read for the next 5 months* zegt:
there they're delicious

Me and Siska got together in Brussels and scoured bookstores, including two English ones, which really dented my banking account again. Also, Siska, the tyrant that she is, forced me to buy two pairs of pants, since I'd been walking around in torn ones for 3 weeks (all my pants are now torn, so I had little choice). Anyway, I have two new pairs now, one of which I actually like.

I bought the following books:

- Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
- Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
- Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence
- Far from the madding crowd by Thomas Hardy
- Hard Times and Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens
- Villette and Shirley by Charlotte Brönte
- Grimm's Fairy Tales
- Six Wives, about Henry VIII and his women
- Isabella, She-Wolf of France, Queen of England, about well, her, obviously
- A present for Kevin, which I will not reveal here :)

Other than that Siska and me discussed exes, a giant network of lesbians which apparantly operates in our midst, and we marvelled at a beer type called the Kwak, which basically translates as spooge, and which we really wanted to order, but didn't because it was too expensive. Had the waiter been a man, I still might have, just for the childish pleasure of ordering some spooge from a waiter :p

Since I haven't posted any celeb pix in a while, here ya go.

Jessica Simpson being stupid, dressing very, very badly, looking very tan, Paris Hilton just dessing badly. Or being very fashionable, I don't know, I never was much of a fashionista myself and I must say I don't regret it if this is what passes for acceptable clothing nowadays.

This is the girl who's replacing Jessica in the next Dukes of Hazzard movie. She's pretty, but Lord, I could put my hand around her waist!

So next time, I shall be wise and profound and discuss the death of romance, internet dating and sex. Yes, sex. I barely remember how that goes, but I'll be abstract about it.

Ow , fine, here's a Boy Toy of the Blog showing off his butt

Sunday, September 10, 2006

CumEaters Anonymous: Sometimes A Man Just Needs Some Help

Bob *Just when you think adieu* zegt:
erotic dentistry
SiS - Ready to love, ready to lose... zegt:
I think I'm in
SiS - Ready to love, ready to lose... zegt:
It could help to give people an easier time on the dreaded chair
Bob *Just when you think adieu* zegt:

I'd open wide

Just another announcement post of having had a good weekend. Well, good and bleeding expensive. Had a good time at Red&Blue, despite not partying at all, just talked to people, like Davy, Patrick and his charming boyfriend Frederik (or Fréderic or whichever variation applies). My generosity got the best of me and I bought way too many drinks for other people :)

In the "morning" Kevin and me went for "breakfast" again, which is turning into a pleasant tradition. I had the whole load of coffee, juice, yoghurt, croissants, eggs, bacon, ... which of course also cost something. Afterwards I made the mistake of going into a bookstore, emerging with five books:

- The Fables of La Fontaine
- Karel ende Elegast
- Frankenstein
- The Merchant of Venice
- De Gentse Bruid

And since I was on a roll, I also bought 3 DVDs:

- one which has two movies: Snows of Kili Manjaro with Ava Gardner & Till the clouds roll by with Judy Garland
- Vanity Fair with Reese Witherspoon
- Black narcissus with Deborah Kerr

Tune in next time when we will discuss the merits (or lack thereof) of Sensoa campaigns. Maybe, I just pulled that out of my ass really.

Bob *Let's do the time warp again* zegt:
you better
Bob *Let's do the time warp again* zegt:
I needs me some pimping
K_x (good music / i dance / no good music / i not dance) zegt:
There's a great pimp hiding inside of me
Bob *Let's do the time warp again* zegt:
yeah, he got up there during the turbulent summer of 2003, and he never managed to crawl out again

Friday, September 08, 2006

And he said oh yeah I know you're lonely coz you spent your time with useless things

This is me, meezinised.

Ya, I couldn't get 'chubby' , it was either thin or fat and if you really have to pick, why be fat? :p

Friday, September 01, 2006

Somehow I always end up covered in other people's shit

Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I blogged
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
hehe, that's like
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I farted
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
"dude, did you just blog?"
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
gross man.
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
it even sounds kinda like you just dropped something in the floor
Bob *zaz!* zegt:

oops, I blogged

The title today is actually something I said during a conversation with Karo, Filip, Ben and Kristien and I meant it literally at the time. I'd elaborate, but I don't think the people who owned the shit would appreciate it. I suppose it works as a metaphor as well :)

I usually don't like gay movies and books. Mostly because a lot of them only have one merit: they're about homosexualty. Big whoop, I like reading a love story because it's a good story, not because it happens to have two blokes.

The movie exception to the rule is actually about two ladies, and I saw it on Canal + once. It's called Better Than Chocolate and I absolutely adored it.

Anywho, a while ago, me and Kevin were at 't Verschil and I bought a 'gay' book there, just because the cover text did appeal to me. I finished it yesterday and it's a painfully beautiful story. Mostly painful. During one of the last chapters I thought I might actually cry and then I remembered I don't cry, so I didn't. It did upset me heavily though, and I spent most of the day in a heartbroken daze. Funny what fiction can do to a man.

Anywho, I suppose I'm recommending a book here :)

Title: Now and Then
Author: William Corlett

Cover text:

Now, Christopher Metcalfe returns to his family home in Kent after the death of his father. Sorting through a box of memorabilia from his days at public school, Chris is suddenly confronted by the face that has haunted him for 30 years.

Then, as a callow fifth former enduring the excesses of a school system designed to run an empire that no longer existed, a most extraordinary thing happened amid the trashings and cross-country runs: he was seduced by Stephen Walker, a prefect two years his senior with whom he went on to share a brief but intensely passionate affair.

Now, again, alone, approaching the age of fifty, Christopher is painfully aware of the price he paid for letting go, and resolved to find Stephen, and discover what happened to the only person he ever loved.

Yeah, sounds cheesy, but it's surprisingly well written, with a flurry of emotions and it maintains that difficult balance between descriptive writing and sentimentality, making it a powerful novel in my eyes, and one that strikes a cord, especially in people who have known 'a great love' and lost it.