Go away from my window

Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
I'm so mentally kicking you right now
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
I'm so sweet!
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
I shouldn't be kicked
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
unless you let me lick you and thus prove you're sweet, I refuse to take that as a valid reply
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
you should already know that
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
although I suppose I mostly tasted like beer on those occasions
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
sweat mostly, but fresh sweat so that's good
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
and ass, coz that's where I spent most of my time. I like ass
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
I like, eh, giving ass or something
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
as in "just lying on my tummy and enjoying"
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
and you do that very well
K_x (dirty numb angel boy - Drink the six mile water) zegt:
yeah, I practice a lot
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
Ah, the follies of our youth. As in 4 years ago, not as in back when we were toddlers.
So, Kevin and Kenneth are off to Werchter and I'm ratsitting. Kenneth's rat is really old and ate his little friend, so possibly also evil. It's outlasted its own life expectancy, so of course, I am certain it will die while I am taking care of it. It's just mean that way. Maybe it's just pissed off because Kenneth never named it. I'd be mad at my mum if she just referred to me as 'Child' all my life. I think I shall name it Mister Flufferton-Whiskersniffs. It's so going to bite me when I go feed it.
Isn't it bleeping hot? I think it's bleeping hot. I also think I should use the word bleeping in everyday conversation, because it sounds so bleeping funny, like if Samson would ever want to curse, he'd say bleeping and then piss all over Gert Verhulst's leg. Anyways, bleeping hot it is. The perfect time for Pamela Anderson (has she worked recently? I mean, is she still 'doing' anything? Or does she just show up at media events?) to take her clothes off. She and some models protested fur with the witty slogan "We'd rather bare skin than wear skin". Next to her still somewhat off-looking face, what's up with the scratch? burn? whip? marks on her shoulder? I guess she still is 'doing something' if you know what I mean? Huh? Huh? Of course you do, you're all depraved.
Making Pamela look normal is the British Jodie Marsh, who is always in the tabloids, but I've never managed to figure out what it is she does, except show up at photographed events with her enormous talent hanging out. She's like an untalented Jordan. And Jordan isn't very talented. And neither 'lady' is shy. I've actually forgotten which one is which in those last two pictures. Does it really matter?
Another lady who was apparantly feeling rather warm, was Victoria Beckham. I cannot get over how freaky skinny she looks. She has no fat! At all! If a blizzard struck, she'd freeze immediatly! And she would be of no use for the survivors even if they decided to eat the dead.
In news about me: I need a damn scooter, so if anyone is selling one for cheap, let me know. I prefer a red one, because I used to have a red one, until my brother stripped it for parts and sold them and now she's in the garage and it would cost more to replace all the parts than actually buy a new one. Her name was Catinka, named after my friends Caroll and Tinka. I had a lot of fun with that old lady and she survived all sorts of crashes, like my friend Tim toppling it, me crashing it through a bus stop (really, they ought to put those glass box thingies in less dangerous places), me crashing into a tree (again, I say it came out of nowhere) and being hit by several cars. Aaaah, good times.
I haven't seen a lot of Wimbledon unfortunately, since I'm working a lot of hours right now. I was going to see Kim's match against Koetoezoulou or whatever her name was, but she forfaited so that was a bust. I did come across of these pictures of Anastasia Myskina. I've always thought Anastasia was sort of the middle road, with Koeznetsova being really ugly, Sharapova being really blonde and Dementieva being pretty. So I'm surprised it's not Maria who took off her top first. Now we await either Nadal or Olivier to follow her example. Though I don't recommend posing on a horse naked.
Boy Toy of the Blog is Randy or Jakub or whatever else fake name he uses. He has the whole cute faciness thing going on with slightly too big ears and a somewhat strange mouth that I seem to find attractive. That and a great ass, which I also seem to find attractive. Warning, penis alert.
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
I can forgive a guy not having a cute face if he has a great ass. But I can forgive a guy having neither a cute face not a great ass if he makes me laugh out loud at least once a day.
Enrique – Light my Candle - zegt:
Dude, sometimes, you’re such a little pussy.
And to make up for neglecting Jessica Simpson last post, here are her lips, which are all natural of course and not at all shot up with Lord knows what kind of crap to make them look like a bee stung her. The only way this could happen naturally, is if she just blew 50 guys for 2 hours straight.
Which, considering she is Jessica Simpson, is technically possible, I guess. Damnit, I reasoned myself into a corner. I suppose I brought that on myself. One more of Jessica looking like a rabbit, and standing next to Ashlee Simpson, for whom surgery does seem to work.
Nothing beats visiting your blog to start a new day with a big smile...
Spruit, at 12:59 AM
kev tastes like sour cream :p
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
Niksvan, ik smaak naar viooltjes. :-)
Anonymous, at 4:02 AM
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