Hou ons niet tegen, want wij gaan door
But no matter. I had the oddest dream yesterday. Maybe as dreams go, it wasn't so strange, but it was very vivid and unlike most of my dreams, I still remember it exactly.
I was at the Stuurgroep, although it wasn't in Het Roze Huis, but in the class room I used to be in when I was 18. There were also more people that wouldn't be at a Stuurgroep, including some of the people from Roze Huis, mostly the older ones. I wasn't in front, but in the second row and the chairman of Roze Huis was talking about fundsraising. Kenneth and Sven Pichal were next to me, giggling about something and Karo was on my other side, drawing little hears on her notebook. Seppe was right in front of me, which was annoying because I had to sit crooked to see the front of the class. The row behind me had Yves Aerts, Tim, Sueann (wearing a Catholic schoolgirl outfit and twirling her pigtails, how very uncharacteristic), Yannick V and Nadine, who were making out for some reason, and in the back row were Alex and Kevin S (making out like swines), Ingrid (rolling her eyes at the two guys, while frantically raising her finger and shouting 'sir! sir!') and Tom L, who was reading a comic book (the one I got Kevin for his birthday actually, about a very hung superhero who fights crime with his lightning quick semen or something along those lines).
Somewhere during the Stuurgroep, Tim got up to leave, saying it was getting too late. I commented it was only 15.30 and the bell wouldn't ring for another 45 minutes. He started yelling at me how I had no business telling him what time it was. Meanwhile the chairman was still chatting away, although now he was talking about the beneficial effects of steamrooms on cats' fur. Tim and me argued on, until Sueann popped her bubblegum and it got stuck all over her face and everyone looked at her and started laughing and she ran out of the room crying. Tom went after her and for a moment everyone was quiet, but then the fire alarm went off and we all went outside.
Instead of ending up in the playground, I was now at the horse riding club I used to be at (from when I was 6 until I was about 19). Everyone was running in front of me, just me and Tim were still standing at the edge of the parking lot. Everyone else was running in the outside hippodrome, but now they were all dressed like kids and playing with soccer balls, hoola hoops, jo-jo's and other kiddie stuff. I stood there watching them and wanted to run after them, but Tim took my arm and squeezed it until I turned around to him and he said: 'I'm sure it was a lot of fun, but it's a little late to go back there now. ' And then he grabbed my other arm as well and his nails were very sharp and cut into my arms and while he was holding me like that, he kissed me, very hard and kind of uh sloppy. I closed my eyes (didn't even know you could do that in a dream) and I fell.
I opened my eyes (again, didn't know that) and now I was in a Carrefour. At least I knew it was a Carrefour, but it looked exactly like the Tecno me and my friends used to go to to get chips and sodas, before we would go to the soccer field and smoke and bullshit. I had a little card and I showed it to the cashier, who looked like my mother, just younger and with more make-up on than I can remember her ever having had. The card was a receit for a huge rubber poncho (no clue, really) that Rens had bought for me and now I was picking it up. I went outside and walked through a city, but not one I've ever been to. It had really wide lanes, and a lot of trees and big mansions. The light was also extremely bright, like at the end of Nightmare on Elm Street. I put on the rubber poncho, which was very warm and heavy and it made it hard to move. I could see other people, but they were far away from me, and I couldn't recognise any of them. I did know for certain that Tim was right behind me, but that it would be bad to look behind me for some reason. I had an enveloppe with an adress on it and it was important I would find it, but I couldn't read the name of the street, so I walked around hoping to find it. After a while I knew Tim was getting closer and closer and I started running, but the stupid poncho thing was too heavy and I fell.
And that's when I woke up.
If I had to guess, I'm sure i could decypher most of the symbolism in there, but could anyone clue me in about the rubber poncho? What's that about? *frown*
ehrm, jij bent het indiaantje, tim de cowboy.
dat verklaart de wilde achtervolging.
Sueann kan woensdag beter thuisblijven, er gaat haar iets ergs overkomen...
Filliberke Randall, at 12:47 PM
rubber poncho = burden you carry around which slows you down/stops you?
i dunno, not really a specialist.
Anonymous, at 1:57 PM
I really, really doubt that last one :) It makes no sense in the context.
I'm gonna lean towards Cat's explanation.
Endless Audacity, at 2:52 PM
Misschien kan een student psychotherapie hier zijn eindwerk over maken? ;-)
't Was wel leuk om een droom eens van begin tot eind te lezen, maar ik kan er niet veel uit opmaken...
Spruit, at 1:14 AM
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