I heard tham I'm wild and I'm free
i dont get it
Enrique *My chesthair drives the ladies bonanzas*zegt:
das toch onhandig zoiets?
Enrique *My chesthair drives the ladies bonanzas*zegt:
stel, ge zijt een hevige niet-vriendin hebben man, en ge wilt er eens stevig op los rammen, da gaat toch ni met zo'n ding
Enrique *My chesthair drives the ladies bonanzas*zegt:
sprecies wel kwaliteitsmateriaal
Endless Audacity *Chattahoochie!* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Chattahoochie!* zegt:
and it comes in 'ass' too
Enrique *My chesthair drives the ladies bonanzas*zegt:
enfin, ik ben toch ni overtuigd van het gebruiksgemak van dat ding
Endless Audacity *Chattahoochie!* zegt:
Endless Audacity *Chattahoochie!* zegt:
I suppose if you're perpetually sexless and have no money for a regular whore, it is a one-time-cost alternative that's better than your own fat sweaty palms
This little gem of a movie is just priceless (and yes, disgusting, don't open at work or if you plan to yell at me for traumatizing you later). In case anyone is interested, you can learn more here.
Work was somewhat hard today, with kids that were out of control and each and every single bloody one of them wanted to do something else and it's hard to keep an eye on 25 of them when they're spread over six rooms and you have a crying 3 year old dripping snot all over your shoulder.
But, all is well, because after work Kevin picked me up and we had a relaxing sauna night, which was very much needed. We sauna'd, we steamed, we jacuzzi'd, we laughed at people in the dark rooms (you know, they don't seem to appreciate that at all), but most of the time we sat in the bar and had beers and smoked way too much. And we had silly talks and meaningful conversations. All in all, very relaxing and buckets of fun, so thanks to Kev :)
One anecdote I must share, because I enjoy taking you to the depths of society: Kevin and me were exploring the dark rooms (which were actually very well lit) and it's not really a room, more a corridor with little cabins in the sides and in those cabins are those icky plastic mattresses and a roll of paper kitchen towels (classy!). Anyways, we went all through the thing, but it was all more of the same, but in the very last cabin we saw (or Kevin saw, I didn't notice until I almost tripped over 'm) a pair of feet sticking out. Since I didn't see them, I walked through and almost bumped into an ass. A lifted in the air, wide-spread ass. This man, maybe a few years older than me, was just sitting in there on his knees and with his face against the mattress, eyes closed, ass towards the corridor. I passed surprise and then went into a fit of laughter that didn't stop until we cleared the whole corridor. It wasn't really that it was that funny, more that I thought it was so sad I just had to laugh.
Anyways, about two hours later we decided to call it quits (by then we spent most of our time drinking beers and we were hungry), but just out of curiosity we wanted to go see if he was still there so we went back through the corridor, which was quite full by now, it was like a naked boardwalk, with paper towels and porn. Lo and behold, he was still there, in the exact same position, but now his rectum was invaded by a hand. No, not his own, he was still perfectly motionless. Makes you wonder how many hands and other assorted bodyparts found their way there over the course of the evening.
I'm no saint (ha!), but I don't really understand what makes someone do that. When exactly does it become a good idea to go to a sauna, close your eyes, offer it up and let anyone and everyone have a go, safety and appearance not a factor. I better not think too much about that or it's just going to bug me. If it wasn't so darn impolite to bother them, I might have asked. I really do wonder.
In closing, the unsurpassable Rens of course had some pearls of wisdom on the subject.
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
nice ass even
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
probably disease ridden, but still a nice one
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
maybe I should have checked his pulse
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
maybe he died during sex and the other one left him
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
.. actually.. now that you mention it
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
"holy shit" /run
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
what an awkward time to die
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
and now everyone is fucking him and thinking how nice and easy that good-butted boy is
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
kinda quiet, but you have all sorts
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
*spray semen*
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
also, I assume (obviously) he was just there all the time and didn't bother wiping off (this makes sense, since he is such a whore). and like, guy 7 must just been squeeshing around in other guy's sperm and making sounds like he's declogging a toilet
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
maybe the guy with the hand WAS unclogging him
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
it all makes perfect sense now, doesn't it
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
he was a good samaritan
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
ugly bald good samaritan
Endless Audacity *It's so sad you just have to laugh* zegt:
a fat ugly bald good samaritan
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
I forgot fat
Deemer / It's in your reach. Concentrate. zegt:
I failed life.
alweer dankjewel voor het bijschaven van mijn anatomie en zo :)
waarom zie ik op jouw blog toch altijd veeeeel meer van het mannelijk lichaam dan ik wil zien???
Karolien, at 12:47 AM
Thanks for sharingg this
Gabriel Marsh, at 6:38 PM
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