When the jester sang for the King and Queen
surely, though I am dissappointed
Deemer / zegt:
why so
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
because sour is a good look for me
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
bah humbug
Deemer / zegt:
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
I'd love a bumhug
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
I guess
Deemer / zegt:
bumhugs are .. always fun? I.. guess?
Deemer / zegt:
I'm confused
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
I think it would look weird
Deemer / zegt:
yeah.. sorta.
Deemer / zegt:
especially in public
Deemer / zegt:
.. and with a random person
Deemer / zegt:
Deemer / zegt:
goodnight crazy bobman.
Endless Audacity *Shred moi* zegt:
goodnight bumhugger
For those who are challenged in the sense department: it's bleeping hot! While all I want to do, is crawl under a rock and wait for a cooler day, the kids at the day care insist on playing outside, in the full sun. And they insist I accompany them. There's like 8 others, but nooooooo, I have to go stand in the sun. I'm actually getting a tan. Which hasn't occurred since 1993.
Working in the vacation is very different than in the school year. First of all, obviously, because there are kids around all day. Secondly because we do more organised activities (which we all scratched yesterday in favour of playing with water) and third, because there all a hell of a lot more kids (damnit, I only JUST had the names of the regular 70 memorised.)
In other news: Mister Flufferton - Whiskersniffs has survived, all rejoice. Rens and me met up in Antwerp (it had been a year since we actually saw each other and considering we'd been msn'ing bullshit for all that time, we figured it was time to do it in real life. We succeeded admirably.). Also, I hate the new summer fashion, there is not a pair of pants in H&M I'd consider wurming myself into, except maybe those of the sales boy, but that for a whole different reason. Lorre and me went for a late night terrace and we were squeezed in between loud Dutch people and a stag party. Which was so entertaining we stayed much longer than we had planned. The groom-to-be was seriously liquored up, as were most of the guests, and he continually pawed the other men and tried to kiss them. His father-in-law-to-be (wow, hyphen orgy), a grey, fat little man, showed off his pubic hair (also grey, grissly and more ample than the hairs on his head) and his lesbian daughter kept scoffing for him to come home, which he ignored with all the drunk dignity he could muster. Somewhere along the proceedings the bridal party also arrived, which resulted in a fight between the engaged party, and with the bride-to-be humping the groom's best man. It was glorious from beginnin 'till end, we laughed, we speculated and we commented, perhaps too loudly at times. I imagine them to be like the Pfaffs, if the Pfaffs didn't have money and a mansion and a couple of daughters that are considered good-looking by ailing grandfathers and furiously masturbating virgins with dental problems. Don't ask how I know about their dental problems, it just seems sort of obvious to me.
Dear oh dear, how I'd love to be at that wedding!
Boy Toy of the Blog is James, who looks all wholesome and sort of like he should be driving a tractor, while wearing an overall with only on clasp closed.
Only very vaguely related: I seem to be developing a fetish for bus drivers. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm on the bus all the bleeping time, the uniforms, or the fact that De Lijn has apparantly fired half their drivers to replace them by virile young men that look like movie stars. I was on 4 buses today and each of the drivers was in his twenties, and quite hot. Anyone else notice an increase in attractive bus drivers, or is it just on my lines?
Our top topic of the day: useless celebrities and why people care about them. I'm not even going to mention Paris bleeping Hilton, because, really, what's left to say and I suppose technically she does have some sort of career (mainly having her 'nipples' 'accidentally' 'slip' out of her 'clothes'). Same goes for that atrocity of nature I have such a great dislike for. Though it actually hurts to refer to what she does as a career, it is technically one.
No, I am talking about those people of whom no one really knows what it is they do for a living, and yet they show up everywhere, pictures are taken and splattered across magazines and it is as if no one ever dares to just say: look, who are you and why are you here?
Prime example of this is Bai Ling or Ling Bai, I have no idea which is right. Yes, according to IMDB she has been in some movies. Thrilling roles as 'Girl', 'Panelist', 'Punky Photographer', 'Miss East'. All Oscar worthy and just overlooked I am sure. Her main claim to fame is that her one scene in Star Wars III was cut and she said it was because of her Playboy centerfold, which is ridiculous, because everyone already knew what Bai Ling's goodies look like. She has them out and about whenever she is out and about, which is everytime a camera snaps. Annoyingly enough, despite an obvious lack in taste, brains, or noticeable talent (hey, I saw Wild Wild West and she was crap as Miss East), this overexposing of herself and her not-so-private parts seems to work. She has four movies coming up where her character actually has a name.
Jodie Marsh really has been showcased enough, as has Jordan. They do nothing, except show their ample fake - I hesitate to call them this - breasts, and yet they're everywhere.
Kevin Federline is another puzzle. Yes, he married a famous popstar and turned her into a greasy blubbering mess, quite an achievement. He also released his own album, which no one liked. No one. Not even Mariah Carey's Glitter was disliked by everyone and I'm pretty sure she skins baby kittens to make slippers out of them. Also, he's not attractive, even when he tries to be, and he's not funny, even when he's pretending to rear end his wife.
Remember when Tara Reid was a talented young actress? No? Me either. But remember when she was a young girl, who did get a lot of movie roles and was adored by many? Because she was, around the time of American Pie and Urban Legend and stuff like that. Now she's just a pumped up, pudgy, boozing cow, whose last 'job' was Taradise, and that's sad enough to make any girl cry. Especially a girl that once had her hands firmly on Jared Bleeping Leto.
Brandon Davis is the ultimate example of someone who does nothing. Like Paris, he is the child of a multi-million dollar family and he will not need to work a day in his life. He's actually worse than Paris, because at least she still does things even though she doesn't need the money. Davis shot to fame for being a druggie, drinker, dating Misha Barton from the O.C. and calling Lindsay Lohan a Firecrotch. He is currently in rehab and one can only hope he will die, I mean, heal there.
While I get annoyed at the sight and/or sound of Hillary Duff, she has done things to deserve her status of teen queen. She was Lizzie McGuire, which seems to mean a whole lot, she made music and had new teeth put in. What puzzles me is why her sister, Haylie Duff is just as famous as she is. She looks vaguely like her, yes, like if her twin brother would dress up like a woman, he would look like Haylie. She sings background on her sister's songs, hooray for nepotism. And what? She sneaks into every damn picture of her sister and smiles her, not replaced, teeth into one of the most maniacal grins I've seen since my dad heard that my mum drove her car into a creek.
And then there is Courtney Peldon (and to a lesser extent the unfortunately named sister, Brown Peldon, really, Brown. Like a bear. yes, her name is Brown.) who is always everywhere, almost always wearing something so heinous it almost seems like she's being ironic about it and why is she there? According to IMDB again, she has done some movie work. Guest starring in a couple of episodes of whatever, with descriptions such as:
Five teenage girls learn that they have been chosen to guard the walls between parallel universes. For this purpose, they have been given the powers of the elements.
Basically she has done nothing to deserve any attention whatsoever, except maybe from a merciful stylist. And still, she is everywhere. She practically deserves a blog dedicated just to her and her horrible outfits.
*deep sigh*
Anyways, I remember when I saw Bend it like Beckham and that Keira Knightley was so freshfaced and pretty and sort of cool and how she then made it big and was still pretty, though she made some real stinkers of movies. She must have taken it hard, because this is what that pretty freshfaced girl looks like now. Imagine sex with that. Now imagine explaining to the doctor how you cut off your nipples when you made contact with her ribs.
Another adherent of the legion of the foodless is meanwhile trying to concince us she is putting on weight in a very cunning way. She has bought a shirt 5 sizes too small and now parades the city, screaming at everyone: "You see! You see! I eat! I am bursting out of my clothes, are you happy now?!!? Oh God, I need to purge and have half a lemon slice."
I don't think I mentioned this, but I like Lindsay Lohan. I liked her as a fiery busty redhead in Mean Girls, because that was just so good. I liked her as an attention whore in the mediocre Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, I enjoyed her in Freaky Friday, I liked her as a drugged out blonde who just kept creating vendettas with other teen queens after sleeping with their boyfriends, I smirked as her breasts kept falling out her dress whenever, I liked her when she kept crashing cars and blaming the paparazzi, I like how her publicist seems more and more desperate every time she has to deny yet another rumour about her client and I'm waiting for the moment when I read an article about Lindsay being strangled and her publicist screaming "TRY TO EXPLAIN THIS TO THE MEDIA BITCH!", I ESPECIALLY liked her when she made Jessica Simpson cry. In short, she's a talented train wreck with a temperament and tons of entertainment.
I'm not crazy about THIS Lindsay. Holy Kazooks!
In closing: Li'l Kim was released from prison and she wasted no time returning to her routine of letting her breasts fall out of her dress. Bravo, may we all withstand trial and hardship in such a brave way.
To be fair, "Brown Peldon" is not really called "Brown": she is called Ashley. "Brown Peldon" is a nickname given to her by the unsympathetic ladies at Go Fug Yourself, to distinguish her from her elder sister, Blonde Peldon.
Anonymous, at 4:36 PM
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