Unsinkable ships sink, unbreakable walls break

Oeh, I got my very first automated spam comment. Oddly enough, it's about penises. I cannot for the life of me imagine why. *giggles*
I actually have nothing to say. And nothing to rant about.
I did have a job interview at WJNH today, which was great fun. Maybe a bit too much fun. It's very hard to be all serious and jobbish-like when you're being interviewed by one person you know very well and two you know reasonably well. Also when you know just about everyone who is trying to get the job and know that most of them have more experience than you. It kind of makes a person think: eh, I'll give it my best shot and be all relaxed about it. I would very much love to get the job though, but I shan't be getting my hopes up too high.
I spent a lot of time on public transportation today. In fact, I spent most days using a lot of public transport. I'm quite happy with it, and it's easy to complain about it, but all in all, it's pretty good. However, I take issue with a certain kind of transient. There seems to be at least one on every bus, tram or train you take (and, when you're very unfortunate, there's even more of them). I am talking about the 'headphones' people. I'm certain many people read that and nod in assent, but for those who just made a sound that implies wtf, allow me to elaborate:
Headphones people are those among us, who at a certain point in their lives decided to buy a walk - man, disc player, MP3 player of something kindred. This way they are able to listen to music while they walk, or, as it happens to be, sit in some form of public transport. Ingenious of them! What beduffles me so about these people is that they insist on putting on these headphones and then turning them up as loud as possible, giving everyone else on the bus no option, but to listen to their musical tastes.
It is therefore doubly unfortunate that these people invariably have musical tastes I cannot claim to be in alignment with mine. As a matter of fact, they either seem to enjoy gangsta crap, or something that sounds like a defected blender, filled with glass shards and a particularly loud kitten. I'm sure there's some term for this electrical music, and I'm sure it's much respected, but I do not care for it.
Why do the headphones people bother with the headphones? If they are going to insist on forcing us to listen to their music, why not simply bring a boombox, or boomblaster, of uh, whatever the hip word for that is nowadays. Maybe they even think of themselves as very considerate. 'Look how nice I am, I use headphones... hmm, not quite loud enough, I can hear myself think'. Heaven forbid!
I guess it mostly annoys me because I am a 'public transport reader', the natural enemy of the headphones people. I like to delve into a good book whilst letting the bus, train, tram carry me to my destination. If, on average, you spent 1,5 hours on a bus per day, you get a lot of reading done, but it's quite hard for me to focus on a novel, while being forced to listen to slightly warbled music. It doesn't bother me much when people are talking around me (though I have severe disdain for the 'yelling loudly on their cellphone' people, especially those like the woman who managed to confide to the whole bus that her boyfriend's penile warts had finally cleared up and good think too, because the batteries of her Tarzan were all out, but that's another story), but the faint dinn of music in the background could drive me crazy!
Wow, and I said I had nothing to rant about...
Speaking of reading: I am currently enthralled by Charles Dickens' "David Copperfield", which I highly recommend to everyone. From the same author I also venture to suggest "A Tale of Two Cities" and - my favourite book - "Nicholas Nickleby".
And in closing: the lovely Sueann just had a birthday, so happy one to you, many more years and so on. Picture is her whilst masterfully portraying Elena Iezietogetinbed, and not her usual attire. Also: not real drugs. Just to be on the safe side.