There's no reason not to be confused!

Monday, August 28, 2006

If you can take a dick, you can take a joke

Bob *zaz!* zegt:
and the autistic boy licked my face
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
after I told him to stop licking the other kids
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
he took it literally
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
and licked me
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
couldn't even punish the little weirdo

No, I don't hate autistic people, calm down everyone, take a deep breath and just allow it to be a little funny.

Today blew ass! And that basically makes no sense, because while there are many pleasant things to do to an ass (kick, lick, finger, fuck, maybe paint on it a little), blowing it seems kind of hard. I slept for 3 ff-ing hours (isn't it interesting how I have no problem writing 'fuck' but I get all coy about writing fucking?) , left for work at 5.30, worked till 18.45, had a flat tire, spent 4 hours getting home in the soaking rain, and tripped over the damn dog.

This week is gonna be hell. Each day has 70+ kids and it's going to rain all the time. After just one day I feel like I may need some medication. Or some weed. 75 kids bouncing off the walls, screaming, fighting, licking my face (well, just one of those), and making a mess. And on top of that I was ridden like a dog by a bunch of them. I know that sounds totally wrong, but I like to creep you out a little bit. Really, you give one kid a ponyback ride and all of a sudden there's 20 waiting in line.

I also got fired today. It was sort of weird, because Kelly, who does the administration, came up to me with this big smile and said "I have something for you to sign" and I look at it and it's a termination of my contract, making me unemployed from august 31st. So I gave her a weird look I guess, because she hurried to give me another paper, this one rehiring me from september 1st.

Seems a little pointless, but I was originally hired until january and they decided to keep me and since more people are leaving, they now gave me a contract of unlimited duration. Basically, unless I fuck up really badly, I can stay as long as I want. So yay, I have job security. Two other newbie colleagues were given new contracts, though oddly enough not unlimited ones, while we are still hiring two new people. My third newbie colleague is being fired, although she doesn't know that yet. I kind of wish my boss hadn't told me (and Katrijn, and a 9 year old who was sitting with us) that, because now I'll be working with her all week, knowing she's about to be fired and she'll just be happily plodding on. I kind of like her too, even.

Bob *zaz!* zegt:
she's a special kind, most definitely
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
though I got along with it
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
Bob *zaz!* zegt:


Anywho, I guess the boss is happy with my work, so that's good. She also talked about giving me a little more to do, something about using my computer skills. I don't have a lot of computer skills, but it seems like I may still have the most that are available.

Good news from work. Also, kittens are adorable. Our 3 little ones are at the cutest cats ever get. Wide-eyed, crawling around the house, peeping, wrestling, scratching with their bow-legged little paws, they're so cute you could die. This is why they don't sell cats until they're 8 weeks old. If you saw them the weeks before, everything after just has to be dissapointing, there is just no way they will ever, ever be this adorable again.

Since we have both become unhealthily obsessed with Stephen Lynch:

Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I think I have a crush
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
on a celebrity
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I never met
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
that's never happened to me before
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
oh dear, I'm a 12 year old girl
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I must meet him
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
meet him or do him?
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
you provide the rohypnol while I search for his adress
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
well, meet first, do later
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
I'd just skip the meet bit
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
more time for do
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
myeah, but the rohypnol would need to be administered
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
hmm, maybe that's not the way a 12 year old girl would go about it
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
good, I'm just an adult gay pervert

Rens and me have been youtubing a lot of the Comedy Central stand-up comedy and we came across some really good ones. Worth mentioning is this guy, who also gave me the title for today. Carlos Mencia has two full shows on youtube, one of which you can find here. He's rude, he has a funny accent, he's rude, he insults everyone (the other show you can find has him doing impressions of the mentally disabled) and he's not someone I'd like to meet. Despite all this, you will feel ashamed at how hard you laugh at his obnoxious, racist, sexist routine.

Also, I went out with Kevin and Kenneth this weekend (and afterwards just Kevin) and we ended up all over the place, inluding a very hot and crowded D-Club, where I ran into my niece who is apparantly Fag Hagging since she became single again, so that was funny. Kevin and me had some heavy ass conversations, and also met a guy, who was rather nice, and after Kevin left, me and him talked until the wee hours of the morning, and then got kicked out and talked more someplace else. It was really a very nice thing to do. Before anyone (like some people already have) goes off shoothing little hearts at me: no, it's nothing like that, he's nice, I think he may be interested, but I'm not at that place at all yet. The word relationship right now still sort of makes me feel cramps and a stab to the heart followed by an unpleasant dizziness.

But hey, drunk conversations all night with a nice boy are not bad under any circumstances. And after sobering up, we also went to drag Kevin outside and have breakfast and the 3 of us had a good old time. All in all, it was a pretty good weekend, much better than anticipated.

Uh, yeah, I've been off my habit lately, so lemme just throw in : Jessica Simpson is an overestimated skank with weird lips and and IQ that is shadowed slightly by that of an inbred bastard dog who suffered from oxigen deprivation because the umbilical cord was wrapped around its neck.

Just so you don't forget.

G'night y'all!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I'm lost inside a crowd

Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I think I made a new friend!
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
well, she's not that new, it's that Siska and I've known her for years
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
But we're gonna have drinks soon, which will be a first, because usually we just sort of happen to run into each other
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
that's really nice news
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
of course
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
she IS moving to Vancouver right after we have drinks
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
isn't that always the way
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
make a new friend and then she leaves the continent
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I think you'd like her
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
she has a sense of humour I think you'd really get
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
Is she wasn't leaving the country we could be the 3 surreal musketeers or something
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
and wear funny hats
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
that'd be wicked
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
you can always tie her to a chair
Bob *zaz!* zegt:
I think our friendship might be a bit too new to survive that

Your trusted uh me is at home with food poisoning. Yaaaaay, not. The doctor man took about a gallon of my blood for research, but it's probably just the result of some bad shrimp. I'm not even feeling that bad anymore, not after uh 'cleansing' myself. That really is the least graphically icky way I have to put it. Anywho, while I was there the doctor man also moved up some other tests I need to have done, which were originally for september, but now they're for tomorrow, for some unspecified reason. I'll just go skipping and singing la la la and pretend that doesn't worry me :)

This does mean another day of not going to work. They're going to hate me :s This week I missed work on tuesday due to a broken down scooter, had a free day on wednesday, and missed work today and tomorrow for medical reasons. I can imagine the kitchen gossip now. I can also imagine all the hours I have to make up for next week. Joy. Maybe I should just go and collect unemployment, since I'm finally eligible. The sad thing is, I would get almost twice the amount I'm making now if I just did that.

Anyhow, I was going to discuss several topics and we'll see how far I get before I'm bored or have to rush to the porcelain pony.

Kids today!!!

I have had lengthy discussions about this with both Siska and Rens. Since Rens is a spring duckling himself, I am at least reassured that my concerns aren't just motivated by me being an old ass.

I don't understand what's happened to kids today, I really don't. And I don't understand why the parents let them get away with so much. I'm not even talking about the 'bad seeds', you've always had those, but even the 'nice ones' seem to lack a lot of basic manners. When I was 10, my mother would have thrown a fit if I would dare ask an adult something and not say please and thank you. At the daycare I seem to spent 90% of my time telling children to say those words (and in the process being presented with the scary view that I am a hairy version of my mother, although hopefully a little less ditzy). What bothers me, is that it doesn't seem to bother anyone else, least of all their parents that they don't do it by themselves. We had an ice cream truck in last week, and there were 65 children, who were all allowed to chose an ice cream. Not a single one said please or thank you unless I reminded them. I gave up around kid 49. So why is that? Have we as a society given up on teaching our kids manners? Are the rude obnoxious antics of a Paris Hilton really the standard now? Do parents simply don't know anymore what the appropriate manner is to educate their children in a world like ours? Are they all going to grow up as little Hiltons and Brandon Davises? Because that's scary. And really, Paris and Brandon are rich assholes, but if you act like them, sans all the money, well, kids, that would just make you an asshole.

The 3 of us also lenghtily discussed media towards children. You know the cartoons on Cartoon Network and Nickolodeon? I love a lot of them, they're great, they're funny, they're sarcastic, they have a lot of pop culture references, they tackle very adult issues, they're very ... adult. Maybe they're too adult to be presented to small children? What's wrong with the Smurfs or Siska's old favourite, My Little Pony? Sure, they were cheesy, sure, they were lamer than a paraplegic. But they were perfect for innocent kiddies as far as I'm concerned. I never heard of children masturbating to Smurfette, while I have heard some rather horny comments made by 9 year old boys about the girls from W*I*N*X* Club. And why DO the female heroines of nowadays comics always fight crime and evil in hooker boots, miniskirts and boobtubes?

And shows like All Grown Up, which is another one of my guilty pleasures, because I like it immensely (and Kids Next Door, Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends, Fairly Odd Parents and Danny Phantom, though I loathe Ed, Edd and Eddy, yuck), but the main characters (the aged versions of the babies from Rugrats) are 9 to 10 years old, and still they're already having relationships and first kisses.

I do find that I seem to grow more conservative as I see kids and teenagers grow, well, grow I guess. Grow a little too fast in my humble opinion.

Classy people in media

Siska dared me to say about media people I do respect, instead of bitching about the ones I don't (she may not have said like that precisely :)) and I found that it's actually sort of hard. You see, the people I don't respect are very easily visible. You can't open the internet without running into them somewhere. Whereas the people I do respect seem to gain that respect by just not being photographed drunk and with their nipples escaping the confinements of their 5000 dollar 'dresses'. For instance: how can you not respect Meryl Streep? What's the last time anyone heard anything about Meryl Streep outside of the Oscar season? Catch my drift?

So, after thinking about it, I did come up with some people that are in the media a lot, but for whom I have a healthy dose of respect. One of them being Hillary Duff, who has appeared here once before, but more in connection to her sister Hailey or Haily or whatever it was, whose fame I didn't quite grasp. I suppose I neglected to mention that I do like Hillary. She has a sweetness about her that doesn't seem to horribly faked, she dates a rocker without feeling the need to tattoo his name on her ass (as far as I know anyways, because:) and I've never seen her breasts or ass hanging out of her clothes, which is refreshing. So yay to Duff even though her name does always make me think of Barney Gumble...

Bette Davis

When Siska asked me about people I felt were classy, of course my first response was Bette Davis, as most people who know me are well aware of my obsession with Miss Davis. Unfortunately she died in the '80s, together with class (hey, look at '80s fashion and tell me I'm wrong!).

Not that Bette was always such a nice person. She was known to be difficult, and even a stone cold bitch at times, but I still feel that she had a certain class. She fought for what she wanted, usually getting it, she took a lot of chances in her work, and she may have been a hard-ass, but she played fair and was absurdly honest about her feelings towards others, such as her much loathed colleague Joan Crawford and (back then) young aspiring actress Faye Dunaway. Anywho, I've written about her once before, including all her most memorable quotes (okay, this one, just because I think it's her at her most rudely honest, right after Joan Crawford died: You should never say bad things about the dead, you should only say good... Joan Crawford is dead, good!). For those who want to, there's always IMDB and tons of other sites.

For those that are interested, there are two you tube videos of Bette being interviewed at her old age, in which she comments on Dunaway and Crawford. She's especially scathing about Dunaway. Ow, in case you're wondering why she's speaking so strangely and holding her arm like that: she had a stroke a while before this, and never completely recovered on the left side of her body. Here and here.

She also speaks of another legendary (and even more forgotten) actress, Lillian Gish, who still holds the record for being the oldest woman to have ever had the leading role in a movie, The Whales of August, which co-starred Davis. Gish was originally a silent film actress, and she never quite got used to speaking: "I never approved of talkies. Silent movies were well on their way to developing an entirely new art form. It was not just pantomine, but something wonderfully expressive."

Conspiracy Theories

Siska also got me onto this, a man named David Icke, who has a lot of conspiracy theories, centering around his belief that the British Royals, George W. Bush, and most other influential people in the world are actually reptilian humanoid hybrids, controlled by pureblood alien reptilians. Among his theories is that Princess Diana was actually killed because she discovered that Charles and Camilla had a son which was sacrificed in a satanic ritual and that she had seen them as reptiles (help me out here, but why would alien reptiles perform satanic ceremonies?). It's really a fascinating read, I enjoyed it immensely, it's almost as stunning as Scientology. I'd say Icke's ideas are a load of crap, but then again, that Paris Hilton does look like she might be part reptile...

The Tiranny of the Everreachability

Another one of my pet peeves and a reason a lot of my friends curse me: I never ever turn the sound on my cell phone on, unless I'm expecting a call, thereby completely defeating the point of cell phones.

What always exasperates me about their reaction is the assumption that everyone should be reachable all the time. I hate it, I don't want to be and I don't intend on ever being. It wasn't that long ago that the wonderful inventions of cell phones and instant messengers seemed silly, and yet we all managed didn't we? Just because it exists, do I really have to throw away all my apprehensions and follow suit?

I mean, really, leave a voice mail, send an e-mail, and I'll get back to you in a couple of hours tops, there is very rarely something sooooooooo urgent that it can't wait a couple of hours, and even if someone just died, well, he or she will still be dead when I get the message.

Isn't there anyone else who sort of objects to the principle of having to be available all the time?

Pfiew, that's a lot of words in a row. Ten to one only two people make it all the way to the end. I don't really have a Boy Toy of the Blog this time, mostly because I don't feel like looking for one, but I do have this video of an awesome comedian, named Stephen Lynch. Maybe some of you already know him, but I think he's fantastic, especially the songs 'Superhero' and 'If I were gay'. He's also incredibly cute in my opinion and I'd totally do him :) His face is very expressive and a little 'off' and I find him irresistably charming, even when he's being very creepy. For those of you that don't feel like watching the whole 21 minute show, all the songs can easily be found separately on You tube as well, really, check out 'If I were gay'.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Today was a nice day.

Just thought I'd let everyone know :) Me and Rens watched Since You Went Away, went to eat (well, I ate) , had too much wine, checked out a cute waiter, bought a book (well, I did), visited EV briefly and invented a word, for which you can check the title.

Next time(s?):

- Kids today!!!
- Classy people in media.
- Bette Davis.
- Conspiracy theories.
- The tiranny of the everreachability.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

De Theorie van het Relatieve Sarcasme en de Absolute Massa Daarvan

In case anyone wonders, no, that's not a song.

I have many guilty pleasures. Mostly because I feel guilty about everything. One of those is to go on to Chatguy sometimes when I am bored and read through the profiles. Over the last week I have been offered 500 euros to get rimmed (500 euros is only 70 euros less than my salary!!!! I hate having morals!!!!) and 1000 euros to pee and/or shit on a guy (omg, I hate being a hygienic person with a distaste for wallowing in excrements!!!). Other similar though less spectacular offers have occurred also, which proves that you really just need to be under 30 to be a succesful prostitute. I suppose over 30 you also need to be hot. Or have really gooey feces.

Iew, that's gross.

I also like it when I run into people who act all supreme and virginal in real life and then go 'chat' there. No one goes there to talk after a certain hour. And I suppose not that many people go there to laugh. So I was quite pleased to run into a certain someone who is the Queen of Moral Superiority As Long As No One is Looking.

Anyhow, last time I got on there I shared my findings with Rens.

Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
how odd
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
Algemene renovatiewerken , schilder en behangwerken - ben van beroep huisschilder; maar doe ook verbouwingswerken , bezetten , gyproc , tegels , valse plafonds , parket en laminaat , vloerbekleding , plaatsen van ramen en deuren . Snelle en professionele afwerking door Poolse vakmannen met grote ervaring en referenties ! Gratis prijsofferte. Schilderwerk doe ik volledig naakt als je het wenst en s
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
je het wenst en sex is inbegrepen tijdens en na het werk, all in !!! ben zeer onderdanig kan dus ook gebruikt worden als slaaf - neukslet , ook voor meerdere mannen enz . Ook escort ontvangen of verplaatsen ; Ik verhuur mij als slaaf voor een zeer interessante prijs - per uur 40 € . Voor een hele dag van 's morgens 9u tot savonds 19u : 200 €. Een hele week : 1000 € van maandag tot zaterdag.

Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
wait, what?
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
he's a handy man

Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
I think
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
it starts nice enough
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
& then it all just goes horribly wrong in the middle
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
40 euro om m'n deur te laten schilderen en een hol te neuken
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
you gotta admit, it's cheaper than most guys to just paint
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
tzal wel hoge kwaliteit zijn

Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
hehe, there's these two guys on there looking for a third
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
and they misspelled fakers
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
2 leuke gasten 31 en 33 zoeken date voor nu 180/80 donker blond/gespierd NO FACKERS
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
maybe it's a hip new chatword I don't know
Deemer / I kill with my heart zegt:
could be!
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
maybe it's like people who fart while they fuck
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
wouldn't want those either
Bob *I am a cheeky girl* zegt:
I'd be all: don't you fack on me

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Rising up, back on the street

I have been thinking a lot about friendship lately.

Yes, I'm going to whine and pretend to make intelligent observations again. Buckle your seat belts, it's going to be a bumpy night! (Yeah, I'm reading the Bette Davis biography, which I got from Kenneth's dad, because I told him I was a fan of hers).

I used to have tons of 'friends', and I made new ones very easily. The last few years, however, I seem to be having a hard time making new ones, instead drawing into the same rather limited social circle more and more. Not that there's anything really wrong with that, except, that social circle consists mostly out of couples and people that are at very different stages in their life, which means that there's only so much sharing you can do. Hey, I can't very well intrude upon Kenneth and Kevin every night :)

My social ineptness and apparant inability to talk to people I don't already know may have deeper roots which I will just ignore, the main issue with it, is that I'd like to make some new friends. Kevin says the answer is going into a completely new social circle, thus meeting lots of new people, and one of them has to be friends material. Setting aside the fact that talking to people I don't know is my problem, I think he might have it wrong.

Going on camp I've spent time with a lot of people I actually already knew a long time, but for some reason never made friends with. To take Siska as an example (who loves being the subject of blogs, hehe): here's a lady who I've run into on quite a few occassions over the years, and I always went away from those encounters thinking "that's a mighty nice girl". I'm not being a suck-up, I remember telling Karo, who's a mutual friend, on several occassion that I really liked that Siska. Now again, at camp, I had a great time with her. So why were we never really friends? It's possible of course that she just hates my guts, but I dare to doubt that one :) I suppose because it would have taken an effort for us to be friends. We're not exactly living closeby each other, and we don't frequent the same places.

Same goes for Anja and Pieter, who I've known since forever as well. Forever being back when I was a wee teenager, which isn't really that long ago, but it feels like forever. I've always liked Anja, but I suppose I never took the time to really talk to her. Now I 'had' to and found out that we really click, and have a lot of things in common. Same for Pieter, though I think we have less in common, but our sense of humour seems to match, and that's basically enough to be friends on :)

Just imagine how many great friends we missed out on because we didn't take the time to see.

And re-reading this, I'm beginning to think I lost my sense of coherently stating a thought, but I'm sure you get my drift.

And since a great part of this blog is dedicated to Siska, I shall not offend Jessica Simpson this time around ;) But I'm not promising it will last!

You're my new law, my new right, my new wrong

The Little Brown Bunny and the Daffodil

The little brown bunny hopped across the green meadow, clearly in great haste. Upon noticing the daffodil, it halted, wriggled its nose and hurried over to the flower, who was just enjoying the bright afternoon sun. And the little brown bunny said:

"Oh daffodil, have you seen the little white bunny? She has spurned the affections of my heart and I wish to enact revenge on her."

Clearly it was a rather dramatic bunny.

And the daffodil said:

"Oh little brown bunny, you may think I am just a flower and that I know very little of the world. It is true, I do not ever leave this little place of ground, and I will never touch anything beyond the length of my roots. But make no mistake! Through those roots I am connected with every other flower in this whole wide world. I know what the lily in the pond of Japan knows, I feel what the anthurium in Hawaii feels and I sense the chill in the mosses of Antarctica. I have seen, heard and felt more of this world than you will ever be able to, and I know one thing for certain little brown bunny: violence is never the answer. No, I will not tell you where the little white bunny is, unless you promise not to harm her.

And the little brown bunny said:

Well fuck you daffodil!

And bit off her head.

The End

Thursday, August 17, 2006

All that you can't leave behind even though it's bad for you

Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
I think its really réally weird that you read hi at like 7-8
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
my dad read him
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
and my parents always tended to forget I was only 7
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
besides, as long as I was quietly reading, it was all good
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:

some trauma aside

Rens has been asking for an update and I can't refuse him anything so here goes.

Camp was great. It was exhausting, it was stressful, it was unforgettable and I'm so glad I did it. I'm not going to divulge into details, but really, I felt for the first time in a while that I was doing something worthwhile.

Me and Lien also shared 'Dumbest camp moment' , with her running into the side of a door and me falling off a stage during a fit of laughter. We were of course both parodied at the free podium and I feel certain we will be reminded of it for years to come.

Anyways, I laughed a lot, and had such a good time, I'd forgotten how nice it could feel to just laugh and act like an idiot. I didn't have any break down moments though. No crying. I kind of wished I did, I think a good cry would release a lot of stuff, but I'm not the kind that easily cries.

Despite the fact that I had known all the other camp-guidance-people (I don't know the word, okay) for years, I was really surprised by all of them. Some of them I even will really miss hanging out with. Bert, Siska, Vlien, Tom and of course Anja come to mind, and I loved talking to Pieter, which is strange, because I've known him since forever, and we never really talked before.

After camp, I had to go straight to work, which was less fun, but it was very calm. Tuesday and wednesday I had the day off, so I went out for drink with Kevin and Kenneth and we ran into Janti, which was nice, he's still a bitch though :)

In the morning, Kenneth had to go to work, and Kevin and me went out for breakfast and it was one of the funnest mornings in a long while. I've read somewhere that I am at the age where you create the friendships that will be the most lasting and important in your life. Maybe that's true, but I've known Kevin and Kenneth since I was 19 and I do believe we will be friends for a long time to come. I hope so anyhow. Same goes for Karo, who I have seen very little of the last 6 months, but it doesn't seem to affect how we feel about each other. Tim is an example of someone it took me a long time to be friends with (not that I ever disliked him, we just didn't seem to click right away), but now I can't really imagine not having him around. At camp he was his usual supportive self, and he really made tough moments better.

Yes, I know, I'm rambling. There's so much I'd like to say about camp, but I don't think I could say it all very well, and some things are just not to be blogged about.

Anywho, I also had mother's day lunch with my grandma, my mother, my brother and my two nieces. They've been around more lately, and it's nice. I've commented a lot on the fact that I don't really feel like I have a family, and it's nice to connect with them a little more. They're nice girls and you know, they are family, so I'm happy to see more of them.

My brother is apparantly leaving for 3 months or more, to work on one of those mining platforms in the ocean, so we won't be seeing him for a while. That'll be weird, not seeing him around. He also sort of urged me to go see my father, he says he changed, got off the alcohol and drugs, and that he's lonely. Maybe I even will, who knows. I'm nothing if not forgiving.

I had a long talk about forgiving and how far one should go with that with Sueann, and I realised that pretty soon I'll be leaving EV, and even sooner, she will have to leave EV. And I like Sueann a lot, I respect her, I appreciate her with her good and bad qualities, and I enjoy her company. Despite this, we never get together outside of EV, and that goes for a lot of people there. And soon, we will probably hardly ever see each other anymore, and that's a shame. I don't really have a point here either, just that I will miss Sueann :)

I might be leaving EV sooner than I expected anyway, in about 2 months, but I haven't really made a decision about it yet. A lot of people are leaving, for various reasons, and I doubt more and more if there is still a place for me there. I could go on, I'm pretty sure I'd get re-elected, even if that sounds pompeous, but I think it's true. I just don't know if I want to be.

I'm gonna stop rambling, can't imagine this being very interesting to anyone. Next time I'll post a story and mock Jessica, promise.

Saturday, August 05, 2006

As long as it takes

Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
still, I trapped a big spider & I'm strangely fascinated by it.
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
its quite pretty for a big horrible spider that's right here in my room. I'm so weird, I'm terrified by them but I'm really fascinated by them aswell
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
& while usually I'm all "spider kill it"
Deemer / If I had my way I'd crush your face in the door. zegt:
now I'm actually sitting here hoping it won't run out of oxygen byt omorrow so I can release it alive
Endless Audacity *Your mama's so fat when her beeper goes off, people think she's backing up* zegt:
I have that with Jessica Simpson

I should probably do an actual update.

Missy, the cat my grandma took in from the neighbours because their cat didn't get along with her, and that turned out pregnant, which anyoyone could have noticed due to the enormous belly and huge nipples, but my grandma is used to fat cats so she didn't notice, anyways, that Missy had her kittens 3 days ago. My grandma, my mum and I played gynaecologists, but we weren't really needed, since it was an easy birth. I could have done without watching her eating the placenas though. She has 3 healthy and übercute kittens, two girls and a boy. I have named them Rozebottel, Bintje and JC. We probably won't keep them though, since that would bring the number of animals to 6 cats and an annoying little dog downstairs and an annoying big dog upstairs.

So uh... Jordan Johnson has these pictures of Pamela Anderson looking like an advertisement for sunscreen. She's getting married to Kid Rock four times, because you know... Actually I don't know. Anyway, her tiara thingy is very pretty. Or it's so ugly I can't even mock it.

Speaking of Jordan, his blog Jordan Is Your Homeboy is very funny and also he's rather cute. Only drawback is that he finds Jessica Simpson very hot. Which can be forgiven because he's cute and funny. But it does fry my bacon. I'm not totally sure I used that saying in the right context, but it seemed appropriate. To recap: Jordan = hot, Jordan = funny, Jordan's blog = good, Jessica Simpson = skank.

Speaking of skank, here are her nipples. She has this whole 'blow for a buck' thing going on, which is a big step for her, coming from 'blow for free'. Good for her!

And she's working on her culture, going so far as even reading a book. Or holding it and looking sort of confused about what to do with it.

Anyways, I'm off to camp from monday till sunday, and back to work next monday, so I won't be around, which will undoubtedly sadden all two of you.

Ow yeah, I changed nightshops (long story) and turns out there's one with an owner that's actually cute. He speaks no Dutch, two words of English and seems to be retarded or just very shy. Big improvement.

Ow yeah, the Boy Toy of the Blog. Here's a couple of them, to hold you for a week or two. They have names, but really, like you care. Did you know by the way that there are only about 5 poses in man-porn?

Friday, August 04, 2006

Settle for a slowdown

I must look just like a fool here
in the middle of the road
standing there in your rearview
and getting soaked to the bone
this land is flat as it is mean
a man can see for a hundred miles
So im still praying I might see
the glow of a brake light.

But your wheels just turn,
down the road ahead
If it hurts at all
you ain't showed it yet
I keep a lookin' for the slightest sign
that you might miss what you left behind
I know there's nothing stopping you now
but I'd settle for a slowdown.

I held on longer than I should
Believing you might change your mind
those bright lights of Hollywood
would fade in time.

But your wheels just turn
down the road ahead
If it hurts at all
you ain't showed it yet
I keep a lookin' for
the slightest sign
that you might miss
what you left behind
I know there's nothing stopping you now
but I'd settle for a slowdown.

But your wheels just turn
down the road ahead
if it hurts at all
you ain't showed it yet
you're just a tiny dot on that horizon line come on tap those brakes
baby just one time
I know there's nothing stopping you now
I'm not asking you to turn back around

I'd settle for a slowdown
come on just slow down
I'd settle for a slow down.